Recent content by Grozzy

  1. Grozzy

    AI Custom Music

    ErrHum Bendighetto...😋
  2. Grozzy

    Electrical setup help

    Testing across the power supply with the meter set to Ohms/Resistance will always give off weird values as you have a whole bunch of components on the other side. I would just disconnect everything off it except the AC connection, power it on and then with the meter set to DC check across the DC...
  3. Grozzy

    Electrical setup help

    +1 for what Skymaster said
  4. Grozzy

    Electrical setup help

    With it working before you added the pigtails, suggests your Power Supply *was* fine (maybe not now). It intermittently works would indicate that you don't have pigtails that were accidentally wired wrong from the factory. But might be caused by a broken/bare wire in the pigtail cable or...
  5. Grozzy

    Shopping List

    One other important question that I'm asking myself after a bad experience with pixel failures two years in a row. Am I willing to tip a few thousand dollars on pixels in 2024, has the quality improved and who do I buy from?
  6. Grozzy

    WLED/WT32-ETH01 Wiring Help

    I would worry that your 12v power supply has issues and you are trying to workaround something that should never behave that way in the first place. Whatever is going on with that power supply will possibly get worse until it dies.
  7. Grozzy

    Esp32 with ethernet for a stand alone prop.

    I am going to be half helpful only because I am having vague recollections of having this issue a few years ago. I used a program called Zadig to either change the PID or force the installation of the driver. I did get it to work but then changed computers and had new usb-ttl programmers that...
  8. Grozzy

    Controlling Servo

    Thanks for the correct, Didn't realise you could add more than 1 PCA9685. Might be less of a pain than trying to write code for an Arduino though.
  9. Grozzy

    Controlling Servo

    FPP and XLights is simple to add a controller as either USB or Ethernet. Your challenge is going to be finding or writing Arduino code to listen for the e1.31 data and then send it out to the servos via spi. This is a link to the TLC5940 and details of the Arduino library for servo connection...
  10. Grozzy

    Controlling Servo

    XLights can certainly send data for 200 servos without any issue however FPP and the PCA9685 is not a cost effective solution, Not sure you are going to want to buy 13 raspberry pis. What Mark said would probably be a better solution using an Arduino to receive e1.31 data and daisy chaining a...
  11. Grozzy

    Controlling Servo

    Built a prototype hat running FPP, Worked well but never had a use case beyond a skull that I never got around to making 😔
  12. Grozzy

    FPP Projector Control

    The manual says that it does support standard class 1 pjlink so as Mike said maybe select a different NEC in the options. It mentions a password. Is it a new or old projector. If old has a password already been set by the previous owner.
  13. Grozzy

    Lost in the fpp setup

    Post some pictures and describe how you are powering the he123. Is there anything on the LCD screen, are you using a wifi dongle and or ethernet connection. Is your ethernet connected to a router and getting an automatically assigned IP address (DHCP) or you have assigned one. Does it match your...
  14. Grozzy

    Fixing up my audio setup

    I run the splitter off the sound blaster to a small 15w amp out to a couple of old surround speakers under the porch/balcony. Running the Pi at 80% and amp at 100% is very loud when there is no-one outfront but not loud enough if there are 5 cars and 30 people standing on the nature strip...
  15. Grozzy

    RGB controller

    Ah yes SmartAlec and not AVD. close 😁