Recent content by Jandrews755

  1. Jandrews755

    XSchedule help

    still having no luck. do i need to setup a matrix in xcsheduler i haven't needed to in the past
  2. Jandrews755

    XSchedule help

    Yep i double checked its pointing the the same folder
  3. Jandrews755

    XSchedule help

    Finally got my show up and running only a couple days late. Only issue I'm having is when I play off xlights the tune to matrix works perfect but when I put it into xschedule it goes all funny any ideas? It's strange that it works perfect in xlights when I output to controller but not in...
  4. Jandrews755

    Xlights help

    Thankyou so much iv got it fixed now
  5. Jandrews755

    Xlights help

    Hi i need some help after loosing all my port allocations in xlights visualiser I have started re adding them but now it's coming up with this gap in models error. How can I fix this or dose it need to be fixed? Thanks
  6. Jandrews755

    Mounting props on a roof

    Hey just wanted to see if anyone had some advice on how to mount this merry Christmas to my colourbond roof. I have just built a new house and I am in the final stages of working out all new spots for my props to go. As I stood back and looked at my whole display I thought mounting the merry...
  7. Jandrews755

    Mega tree issue

    You legend I don't know how that got changed from last year but that worked thankyou that's why I love this hobby always great people around to help
  8. Jandrews755

    Mega tree issue

    Any help would be much appreciated. I have just started setting up my mega tree which I had working last year and have changed nothing and as soon as I plug it in it gives me 8 lights on each port that is plugged into the smart receiver. If I run a test the rest of the tree works but the 8...
  9. Jandrews755

    Smart receiver help

    Thanks again for your help I knew it would be a simple fix
  10. Jandrews755

    Smart receiver help

    How do I configer my falcon smart receivers A & B in xlights. Iv plugged them in set the correct switches for a & b and the Terminator switch on receiver B but am now unsure what to do next to configer them any help would be great thanks
  11. Jandrews755

    Controller fans

    I'm after some advice on how many fans to install on my main controller box. I have a falcon v3 and 2 power supplys. Being in Vic it will get fairly hot over December so do I need 1 fan or 2 ( 1 sucking 1 blowing to keep air curculating) thanks
  12. Jandrews755

    Extreme lighting displays - single small arch - has anyone made a frame for these

    Dose the poly pipe stay strong in the hot sun I thought of the same thing but thought the poly might get abit flimsy once it warms up?
  13. Jandrews755

    Xlights help

    perfect thanks everyone i knew there would be a easy way thankyou
  14. Jandrews755

    Xlights help

    Just a quick and I'm hopping easy question I have a large 360 Derek tree iv added it to xlights but how do I change it so not all the strands start at the bottom. Ideally I'd want it to start at bottom go to the top then cut across the top and work it's way back down for strand 2 and keep zig...
  15. Jandrews755

    Paint coro

    I agree it bleeds less