Recent content by Lights @ The Heights

  1. Lights @ The Heights

    Seed Pixels in Aust ?

    Whats the exploding star thingy?
  2. Lights @ The Heights

    xLights sharing: sequences

    Hey Brad, i'd be pretty happy if you could share the Ronettes Sleigh Bells Remix - thanks in advance :)
  3. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Thanks Alan, let me know how it goes!
  4. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    I spent a couple of hours in the zoom room last night and got some great help. There was a couple of other issues we fixed - the channels xlights was auto assigning didn't match what was in FPP, so fixed that and we got it to a much better state, but there's still some 'artefacts' which i cannot...
  5. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Thanks! Appreciate the help :)
  6. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Yep, you're right about them being 1/8 - i double checked and thats what they are. So i've changed that, along with all interleave option in the list.... its getting better, but still not right!AhOIGg7O0C3vjlVr-wbYQy8_XbO2?e=1W6G7S
  7. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Yeah, was on C-def by default, changed to see if that would help, but no change. I like your thinking though
  8. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Looks like they're set to 510 so i'll change to 512 and try again. Using the ribbon cables that were supplied. I do have some spares, so could try those too.
  9. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Yeah, thats what they were sold as.... i have tested as 1/8 but no better
  10. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Thanks for the tip - makes sense! I've now done a single red band (full height) left to right, then a single green band top to bottom, then 'Merry Christmas' text scrolling left to right!AhOIGg7O0C3vjlQFA_91rfS0HnPT?e=o8F8UU
  11. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Let me know if this is not what you meant :)
  12. Lights @ The Heights

    P5 Panel Banding Issue

    Trying to set up a simple 'tune-to' sign, but cant quite get it right. Using 4 P5 panels 64x32 1/16scan rate with a Pi Zero and rPI-P10 Pi Hat from @AAH . I've played around with the panel layout settings and seems pretty simple, using 2 ports from the hat, 2 panels each, but i've tried changing...
  13. Lights @ The Heights

    Sydney/NSW SYDNEY EXPO 2021 22-23RD OF MAY

    Sorry, not been to one of these before, but i'm confused by the round table schedule. Both rooms are following the same sessions at the same time, but session 1 and session 3, along with session 2 and session 4 are the same... so, does that mean doing the same content twice? Also, being 2...
  14. Lights @ The Heights

    Sydney/NSW SYDNEY EXPO 2021 22-23RD OF MAY

    What's the likely cost to attend?
  15. Lights @ The Heights

    Acrow Prop for Megatree Pole

    Hey mate, just wanted to see how you got on with the acroprop... Got any pics?