Recent content by Martin Mueller

  1. Martin Mueller

    Controlling Dmx stage styling lighting

    Can I throw ESPixelStick V3 HW with the V4 SW into the mix. The base card has the differential DMX output built in. You can send DDP, E1.31 data or use fseq files to play your effects.
  2. Martin Mueller

    Laptop vs ???

    TheChristmasLightGuy on discord has a video series that include setting up and using the ESPixelStick V4 software on a number of platforms. The ESP V4 SW does not support playing music nor is it intended to work as a show player. One of your show player guidelines is: Your show player...
  3. Martin Mueller

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    ESPS V4 does not today support a REST API. You would need to implement such a thing.
  4. Martin Mueller

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    ESPixelStick can be easily expanded with more button support. But you would need to program it yourself. At this point I am 6 projects behind. Trying to get Web based ESPS flasher working.
  5. Martin Mueller

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    The issue is not the number of buttons, it is the number of available GPIO lines. The Default D1 Mini would not have enough GPIO lines to do what you need. The ESP32_epspv3 image (which works with the ESPS V3 base card) would give you the GPIOs you need. As for the Software, that is easily...
  6. Martin Mueller

    WLED/WT32-ETH01 Wiring Help

    I had nothing but trouble with those things while I was adding them to the ESPixelStick platforms list. In addition to having a boot up race condition, they do not have a proper nodemcu interface making programming them less pleasant. I also use over 50 buck converters in my show. They drop my...
  7. Martin Mueller

    WLED/WT32-ETH01 Wiring Help

    As someone quoted me (correctly), in your diagram, in addition to the heavy gauge V- wire going from your PSU to the pixels, you need a V- wire that goes from the V- line on the level shifter to the V- on the first piel (yes, FOUR wires going to the first pixel) and while I assume the V- wire...
  8. Martin Mueller

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    Yup. ESPixelStick V4 is a full featured FPP Remote device that stores and plays fseq files locally. That allows FPP enabled show players (FPP and xLights) to send the data once and then reduce the data on the wifi to an occasional sync message. This reduces Network load to almost nothing. It...
  9. Martin Mueller

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    FYI: ESPixelStick supports the WT32 boards and allows you to connect an SD card to the board so you can run in remote mode.
  10. Martin Mueller

    PCA9685 to FPP and Xlights

    Cool, one possible error spot fixed. I am not an xLights guy so someone with more xLights experience will need to help you beyond this point.
  11. Martin Mueller

    PCA9685 to FPP and Xlights

    Before using xLights, have you used the FPP display test functionality? You should get it working on the FPP without xLights. In this way you divide the problem into smaller sections. If it does not work directly from fpp then you may have a wiring error.
  12. Martin Mueller

    Esp32 with ethernet for a stand alone prop.

    Interesting. Mine from hi-letgo (ok 3 years old) worked fine.
  13. Martin Mueller

    Esp32 with ethernet for a stand alone prop.

    Adafruit makes sure they are selling reliable usb to serial devices. On Amazon, Hi-Letgo and DTECH would be the vendors I look at.
  14. Martin Mueller

    Esp32 with ethernet for a stand alone prop.

    Tis has happened before. Some manufacturers are using pirated designs that report incorrectly. I tend to only purchase adapters that have genuine FTDI usb-to-serial chips on them
  15. Martin Mueller

    Esp32 with ethernet for a stand alone prop.

    For PixelStick you will need to manually reboot with GPIO-0 held low three times.