Recent content by mmais68569

  1. mmais68569

    Still a little stunned

    In my opinion it comes down to one word: RESPECT A lot of people do not have respect for anything they own much less others. Just my thought. Mike
  2. mmais68569

    A different kind of strobe...

    appears to be about 6-8 mo. old post, wondering if a parts list ever appeared. Mike
  3. mmais68569

    My attempt at a first video

    Tube blocked you in the US because of your music. You may want to try Vimeo they do not block. Mike
  4. mmais68569

    .5m Rigid Strip

    was only tinning the wire not the pad I will try both thanks
  5. mmais68569

    The Reason We do Our Show

    Went to the mail box & found this, the reason we do a show. Mike & Susan
  6. mmais68569

    .5m Rigid Strip

    I thought about using flex strips but have not had very good luck soldering on the connectors. Is there a trick to the soldering? Mike
  7. mmais68569

    .5m Rigid Strip

    Has anyone used this rigid strip from Ray I am looking for rigid dumb strips for next year. Mike
  8. mmais68569

    Forest Glenn Christmas 2012 Ocala, FL

    Here is a link to this years show. Running 5 LOR controllers, 3- 27 ch controllers from Ray & 7 Express all in DMX. The voice overs were not updated this year we have 70,000 lights & 266 ch animation. First year with dumb RGB more to come next year. Mike & Susan
  9. mmais68569

    RGB High Power Wall Washers

    What has happened with this item. A lot of I wants but nothing else. Did it die someplace along the way???? Mike
  10. mmais68569

    RGB High Power Wall Washers

    I see they are 24V what is the Amp's & can these be shipped to the USA? Thanks Mike
  11. mmais68569

    EBay dumb strips

    I test all my dumb strips with a 9V battery just put the + on + & then the other wires to see what color. Mike
  12. mmais68569

    Interest Thread - RGB 12 LED 5050 Strip - Closing april 22nd

    Re: Interest Thread - RGB 12 LED 5050 Strip Lets see if I have this figured right, the first complete kit would cost $23.26 with the solder paste then each additional would be $6.26. Mike
  13. mmais68569

    Interest Thread - RGB 12 LED 5050 Strip - Closing april 22nd

    Re: Interest Thread - RGB 12 LED 5050 Strip Where did you buy the tubes & end caps? Mike
  14. mmais68569

    DMX Channel Setting Question

    Thanks I am not limited on the channels in a universe just thought it maybe easier to keep up with when programming. Mike