Recent content by Monty85

  1. Monty85

    First timer saying hello from Sydney

    Thanks for the responses everyone, this really is a rabbit hole I've found myself in. :D I don't know that i'll be far enough long this year to do anything that could classed as a "show" but it is something I want to have a go at in the years to come. This year I guess i all about...
  2. Monty85

    First steps

    So after reading through the 101, i think for what I want to try and achieve, Intelligent RGB strip lights are going to be the place for me to start. As a newbie starting from scratch this year the goal is to do a basic setup just following the architectural features of the house. The amount...
  3. Monty85

    First timer saying hello from Sydney

    Thanks. Yeah been reading through the 101 manual already and came across a few ACL videos online which was good intro into what to expect. No programming or electronic experience on my end so that side of things does seem a little bit intimidating but im sure it will get better with time. I...
  4. Monty85

    First timer saying hello from Sydney

    Hi all, I've just found this website while trying to research for some help on where to get started. Here's me thinking I'm getting in early and i've already found posts saying starting in September is leaving it too late :D Plan is to start small and keep automations basic but I also want to...