Recent content by mrsteve

  1. Sounding Joy by Ellie Holcomb

    Sounding Joy by Ellie Holcomb (2024)

    xLights Around The World 2024
  2. Believer by Imagine Dragons

    Believer by Imagine Dragons (2024)

    xLights Around The World 2024
  3. You're The Voice by John Farnham

    You're The Voice by John Farnham (2024)

    2024 AusChristmasLighting Around The World
  4. mrsteve

    You're the Voice - 2024 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2024

    Thanks to @Mark_M and @Danielr 62 Picnic Creek, Coomera, QLD (moved from last year at Parkwood)
  5. Sounds of Then (This is Australia) by Gang Gajang

    Sounds of Then (This is Australia) by Gang Gajang (2023)

    ELT coro props, inflatable, @Danielr @Pavle sequencing
  6. Shut Up and Dance by WALK THE MOON

    Shut Up and Dance by WALK THE MOON (2023)

    ELT coro props, inflatable, Jeremy Poling sequence
  7. Kid On Christmas by Pentatonix feat. Meghan Trainor

    Kid On Christmas by Pentatonix feat. Meghan Trainor (2023)

    ELT coro props, inflatable, Jeremy Poling sequence
  8. mrsteve

    Cruel vandals have targeted a Labrador family, ruining their spectacular Christmas light display

    Guys I think this is @Apis display - I would hate if this happened to me. Is there anything we can do to help him and his family out? Cruel vandals have targeted a Labrador family, ruining their spectacular Christmas light display. We first met Martin Skok when...
  9. mrsteve

    rPi-28D+ now available

    If the rPi-28D is powered by 12V, how is the Pi powered from the rPi-28D? What converts the 12V to 5V for the Pi? I suspect if the data lines are driven by 5V, and the only power source is 12V via the rPi-28D for both that and the Pi, then if you have a USB audio card, when a sequence with...