Does anyone still have Logan Carpenters Michael Jackson mix still on their computer as it is no longer available in Dropbox. One of my children's favourites and I had a computer crash and lost everything a while back
I have successfully connected to and setup my network now.
Thanks for the advice
I am setting up a Hansen He123-rx
Do I need to select "with expansion" in xlights or will it discover it natively?
So far I have just been following the manual and only connecting to the BB using usb tethering.
Then the manual gives the address for a Mac which is a usb ip but the browser doesn't connect
I also read another person's post answered by D Kulp that said their usb wifi adapter may be...
Hi all
I had a macbook crash and lost all my data.
Attempting to set up my controller from scratch.
I have the kulp k8 pb and I have formatted the SD card, installed fpp with balena etc her and then tried usb tethering
I cannot connect to it via web browser for some reason.
I have connected...
Quick update. I was unlucky enough that my Mac suffered some sort of error which bricked it. Had it to the techs and they got it going again but lost all data.
So I am in the process of trying to get it workable again, so not much happened since the last conversation.
When I get it working...
I have attached a few photos.
Photo 1 is the controller
Photo 2 is the power supply. It's generic and not the greatest wire but it's working. With these 2 a string of over 100 seed pixels will light up fine.
Photo 3 shows my first test string wired and working with in and out connectors
Photo 4...
Hi Mark. Thanks for the reply.
They are 3 wire seed pixels.
I have had similar results with my regulated DC power supply and 2 different power supplies so far.
Just in the process of checking what I can still.
The PSU are both the same voltage. The new test strings work fine. But I haven't yet tested and made another tee.
I'll check the ends before connecting anything better to try and ensure it won't happen again.