xLights sharing: sequences

Hey all, does anyone have a single sequence with like a mash up/melody of Christmas songs/carols at all?
I have done a Wiggles Mashup Sequence, Made it for my little 10 month old who is wiggles crazy,
This is my first sequence iv done, so may not be perfect, but would be keen for other to improve and share back,
If anyone uses it, please send a video as would be awesome to see,
Let me know your thoughts!

Download Sequence

I love this! Thank you so much :)
Just a quick question, how did you get the glasses to appear on their faces during that part of the song? I've added the main ones to my matrix faces, but can't work out how to add the glasses.

EDIT - Solved it due to some help on the chat. Had to add it as an image and they work out the coordinates to make it match up :D

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iai6CVrEsDM


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Here's a very quick one I chucked together today.
The music was AI generated and then further tweaked - the lyrics specifically targetting Australian Summer Christmas.

My sequencing is pretty rubbish so it's basically a couple of whole house shaders with a three other prop groups, which can be mapped anywhere.
Feel free to grab the song, sequence it up further and improve it - my requirement of releasing the song & sequence is that any sequence modifications should be shared back here for everyone to enjoy (think GPLv2)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u69wsrIyMkE

The shaders, sequence and audio is included in the following download:
Hi Does anyone have a sequence for All i want for Christmas is you - Mariah Carey, i have seen the free one getting around online but not a real big fan of it was hoping someone might have something a little different cheers for any help.
Does anyone still have Logan Carpenters Michael Jackson mix still on their computer as it is no longer available in Dropbox. One of my children's favourites and I had a computer crash and lost everything a while back
Does anyone still have Logan Carpenters Michael Jackson mix still on their computer as it is no longer available in Dropbox. One of my children's favourites and I had a computer crash and lost everything a while back
I have MJ mix.zip from 2015. IM me your email and I will send it over.
Just completed Up on the Housetop by Reba McEntire for this year