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    • F
      pretty quick n easy to do your self https://autolyrics.lightingfanatics.com/index.php
    • F
      fugley replied to the thread Totally lost.
      due to working out of town for months on end and will be up until Christmas id dropped the seeds for what i know works with the lack of...
    • F
      fugley replied to the thread Totally lost.
      Big thanks for your help, sadly I've had these on the back burner for over a year and that's where they've gone again to date I've far...
    • F
      fugley replied to the thread Totally lost.
      tested from Xlights and FPP V8 also tried bars effect as another idea ... first prop went as it should second prop went from the cent...
    • F
      fugley replied to the thread Totally lost.
      yip all the good stuff done even went as far as having the two snowflake on one port and adding a second set individually on a port...
    • F
      I have two props that both work perfectly fine individually on there OWN ports on a falcon f16v5 BUT when chaining them on one port the...
    • F
      is that "Estimated shipping" I just clicked on it out of interest and it returned $258.96 for shipping BUT doesn't even know where I...
    • F
      Nicely done, having a prop designed for seeds rather than over complicating it by just making it work is the better option by far. I’ve...
    • F
      this was about the last design I came up with before giving up, the idea was to hold the base of the pebble to the surface of the prop...
      • Pebble insert v3.png
      • unnamed.jpg
      • unnamed (1).jpg
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