Recent content by Nuzzy

  1. N

    wifi hotspot rasp pi access help...

    I bought one of these to run my lights last year. You can set it up as a WiFi access point/repeater so you can plug the Pi in via Ethernet and it will communicate to your existing...
  2. N

    One Pattern across Entire Lights

    The simplest way is to make a group with all your display items in it then drop the effect onto the group. I’ve got a group called whole house and so it’s easy to distinguish.
  3. N

    New guy, Brisbane QLD

    I’m renting as well so don’t let that stop ya. Star Wars funk intro below. View:
  4. N

    Please help with my calculations!

    1/ Channels would be 484 x 3 = 1452 2/ ask him to make up either 22 stings of 22 pixels or 11 strings of 44 pixels @ 3 inch spacing. 3/ rough specs are approx 0.8w per pixel, 0.8 x 484 pixels = 387 watts. 4/ assuming 80% efficiency for power supplies you would need 387 / 0.8 = 484 watt power...
  5. N

    Ray Wu Pixels Help needed

    When I got mine I tested to see how far I could push them before needing to power inject, hooked them up at 100% intensity and powered up 1 string. It was nice and bright all the way along the string. Next I added another string of 50, these were ever so slightly duller than the first string...
  6. N

    Ray Wu Pixels Help needed

    I used them on my flat tree @ 2in spacing and they were good. I did have 3 pixels out of the 1250 I bought that didn’t work (2 didn’t light up red, 1 didn’t light up blue) then I had another one fail on the final night of testing (no data was getting past 1 pixel so half a sting stopped...
  7. N

    30% off

    Nice, I will definitely get a couple when done.
  8. N

    30% off

    Alan, is there any plans to make a 2 wire board like the DMX2-18 but have it accept a 2811 input?
  9. N

    Wiring....are you messy or do you have OCD!

    I couldn’t get my strips to output any data further than a metre from the end of each prop in 2017, was frustrating as hell. I ended up putting each of my 4 spiral trees on its own output from the F16V3 and had to run a full 5 metre strip to go from one window outline to the next (approx 3...
  10. N


    There is 2 different types, the common one is RGB which has just the red, green and blue leds, the other is an RGBW which has the white leds on there as well. The RGB lights use 3 channels in Xlights where the RGBW would use 4.
  11. N

    Noob Questions

    I usually work to around 7 watts per metre for a 30 led/metre strip so I would assume a 60 led/metre would be close to double that, maybe around 12 watts/metre.
  12. N

    Lights on Harlequin walk through

    I opened one up when I got them and they seem to have a reasonable rubber seal on the inside of the glass and all the electronics are coated in silicone so they looked like they would do the job to me. If they leaked then I woulda sent them back.
  13. N

    How far is too far and null pixels

    They regenerate the signal just like a null pixel but you don’t have to address them when your doing you sequence like you would with a normal null pixel.
  14. N

    How far is too far and null pixels

    I would put one of @AAH ’s null pixel buffers after the output of the F16, will have no problems running out the 30 metres then. I run mine out around 10 metres straight off the controller with no issues so maybe try the 25 first then put a buffer in if needed.
  15. N

    Lights on Harlequin walk through

    Could just replace the screws with proper stainless ones so they don’t rust I suppose.