Recent content by the grinch

  1. the grinch

    Hello everyone once again! Seed pixels? pros an cons an will they work for us?

    So anyways myself and my crazy light lady have been in the dark for a few years now! But plans have changed an now looking to get the show up an running again! An yes thanks A LOT ! Karob an big Xmas tree in Adelaide centre! Last Friday night then turned corner to go into my street an total...
  2. the grinch

    Managing the fan on the enclosure?

    All of ours are also powered from power supplies so when controllers are on fans are too ! I figure with our weather here in Australia they aren’t going to get to cold !
  3. the grinch

    1st time I let the magic smoke out on an industrial scale

    Yes glad you're ok also Lead acid batteries can be extemely dangerous and I feel a lot of people are unaware . Firstly the power alone produced from these batteries can weld metal melt wires and cause fire but under charging cycles hydrogen gas is produced and all we need is an ignition...
  4. the grinch

    timer on house trips safety switch quite often

    Sorry for the late response and thankyouse for everyone s valuable advice much appreciated We haven't fixed the above mentioned problem as yet but are in the process again as such ! We just put up with the problem again last season and carried on but mind you was very nerve racking especially on...
  5. the grinch

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini 2019 - interest

    Thankyou rob An definitely yes , as I assume some others may not mind a bit of nudity as such ! But just thinking about alec in his birthday suit OH GEEZ !!! Also alec enlightened with pixels as such I think it would be something we could never ever ever ever unsee! For such a plan to work I...
  6. the grinch

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini 2019 - interest

    Hey mr ralphy Sounds like a plan and thankyou for your efforts as this year doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm from others at this stage hopefully will change ! I believe we will be free on those dates Even though I am a grinch I do enjoy the annual mini (ps don't tell my crazylady) but...
  7. the grinch

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini 2019 - interest

    There is some great points and ideas there. Unfortunately I dont think we will be able to offer our house as a venue this year due too renovations ! But would've loved too have the free labour workin on our lights ! I personally would like too see the mini remain as a 2 day event also believe...
  8. the grinch

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    Hey len teresa hasn't seen your post yet ! But we know the crazylightlady will say yes !!!!!!! Will let her know
  9. the grinch

    Winner winner... well almost

    Hey scamp well done mr And yes unfortunately I personally think also its however many votes you can drum up ! Via Facebook etc etc . Perfect example at moment is on Christmaslightsearch! Am very curious how they can create as many votes as they do! And to be honest good luck to them ...
  10. the grinch

    Interference with TV reception

    Hey mate Sorry to hear about your troubles just found this post! As myself always always trying not to upset neighbors and neighborhood in anyway shape or form! For obvious reasons. But interfernce with television reception not a good thing ! I personally would never have power supplies and...
  11. the grinch

    To Strip or Not to Strip.

    I like this topic ! Also great to see all the different opinions and processes everyone uses. I use strip and nodes also but they both have there purposes In our display . Strips for creating straight edges and arches works for me and nodes for wire frames and custom elements! I feel that they...
  12. the grinch

    Magnets to attach ws2811 strip?

    Ok thanks guys Was unsure if the magnetc field would cause data issues or something like that ! Ok im going ahead as planned just got some self adhesive magnetic strip from bunnings 13mm wide and 10m length $16 thinking few cm pieces at intervals on the strip will see how it works
  13. the grinch

    Magnets to attach ws2811 strip?

    Hey guys am looking at adding some more strip to the house using heap of spare strip waterproof ws 2811 12v and just wondering if I was to attach magnet strip at intervals directly underneath the strip will it affect the performance of the pixels in anyway? Thinking it may be a simple way to...
  14. the grinch

    Answered Adding a timeline from other sequence ?

    Ah sorry for the late response ! I did solve some time back ! I was unable too import and export I think due too me only being animated sequences possibly? Or me really not knowing what im doing lol! But I always get bye ! So after a lot of fiddling around I worked it out I opened up the sequnce...
  15. the grinch

    Before and after videos when adding "null buffers" (a null pixel alternative)

    Definitely on my must buy list for the new year!,,, Have watched your other videos and read about also looks to be a great and simple to use product well done alan! I experienced trouble this year for the first time as we built 2 new shooting star wireframes using 12v 2811 nodes early this year...