Recent content by tuppetsdad

  1. tuppetsdad

    What to do?

    So who has connected to GOVEE outdoor strips with XLights using WLED and do you have a small diagram or info on how you did this ? Also what is the protocol which GOVEE uses?
  2. tuppetsdad

    Melbourne/Vic Melbourne Mini 2024 - June 29-30

    Hi Graham nice to see the Mini has a venue this year. Will put in my calendar.
  3. tuppetsdad

    8mm uv resistant corro/ core flute/ flute board back at bunnings

    The sole Australian manufacturer of Corflute (twin wall polypropylene) is COREX. Their factory is in Dandenong. Vic. Nice to see they have introduced recycling centers. They don't sell in small quantities so I either buy at Bunnings or...
  4. tuppetsdad

    2021's Display photos

    Looks really great. Well done.
  5. tuppetsdad

    3D Printed Tree Base

    We have changed to Bosco strips for the larger Christmas trees. So our aluminum bases we fitted to the tree steel frames to attach these will not cut it with the string tension involved. This morning we 3D printed some new ones. These are 1.65m in diameter. Pretty happy with these. Next time...
  6. tuppetsdad

    VSA an easy way to program Servo Sequences

    Had purchased Virtual Show Automation Hobbyist (VSA) software a couple of years ago but only really used it recently. Well worth the USD 79.95 VSA enables you to set up and program sequences for servos and lights and link the movements to...
  7. tuppetsdad

    Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights

    looks a very usefull thing when it works
  8. tuppetsdad

    CG-1500 Outdoor Enclosures

    Hi David. hope you and your family are all OK and your business is surviving during the pandemic. Can you let me know pricing for 3 x APC707, 13 x PC750, 12 x Kingray masthead enclosures to suit. I want to use for minitrees. Each has 8 strings of 80, 24V LED's. If you are not selling these...
  9. tuppetsdad

    Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights

    Now moving onto linear actuators for some more fun.
  10. tuppetsdad

    Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights

    Thanks Grozzy - sorted. Just my understanding of the way 16 bit servos work. Needed your prompt to make me look into this. Happy little pumpkins now.
  11. tuppetsdad

    Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights

    Thanks Grozzy. XLight converter sorts out the addressing OK. I think VSA does use two channels but only have 5 channel board....
  12. tuppetsdad

    Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights

    Have fitted a single RC servo to each of 5 pumpkins and created a show with VSA View: All works great until I try to set up and a import into XLights. XLights set up has 5 single DMX models each has one DMX channel with one servo and have...
  13. tuppetsdad

    Melbourne/Vic Melbourne Mini 2021 - CANCELLED

    Damn I will be away that weekend. Pity, would love to catch up.
  14. Tuppets All I want for Christmas 2020 by Mariah Carey

    Tuppets All I want for Christmas 2020 by Mariah Carey (2020)

    Singing Faces, Arches
  15. Merry Christmas from the Tuppets

    Merry Christmas from the Tuppets (2020)

    This is for visitors to take pictures - everything on!