Recent content by Verb75

  1. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    I can confirm that version 2020.12 of xSchedule works with xLights 2020.51
  2. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    Thank you for sharing the last version. I appreciate it.
  3. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    I have a spare MAC that I've been using for the past 3 years without any issues. The only issue I have no xSchedule!
  4. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    If that is the case...why are all the old Windows version of xLights available?
  5. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    My point exactly...I just want to run the last available MAC version. I don't want to HAVE to buy anything.
  6. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    For one piece of software, you think asking someone to change their whole platform is warranted?
  7. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    I'm happy to use newer versions of xLights...but I'd still like to use xSchedule, and the ability to fire up the last known version. I see all the old version of Windows versions of xLights are on the main page...why can't the Mac versions?
  8. Verb75

    MAC xLights moved to App Store, xSchedule removed

    Where can I download an older version of xSchedule for Mac? Surely you'll make the last version available even if you aren't supporting it anymore?
  9. Verb75

    Answered Issues with port on Falcon controller

    So after a few hours of trying new things over the past couple of days, I've come to the conclusion that port 2 on my controller is faulty. I've rejigged lights and props to my other ports and things are behaving normally again. Thanks for all the help and imput.
  10. Verb75

    Answered Issues with port on Falcon controller

    I managed to speak with Daryl and he told me to reset it. I've done that and the Falcon is back up again. I've inputed my network setting and got everything going again. Still having the original issue...start a sequence..this time it completed, but then afterwards the lights on string 2 froze...
  11. Verb75

    Answered Issues with port on Falcon controller

    So after checking voltages (everything was good) I decided to update the firmware to 2.59 Everything went smoothly on installation. I log into the Falcon IP to check my settings. and all of sudden it reboots itself and is now stuck in a boot loop. Gets to the main screen, turns off and starts...
  12. Verb75

    Answered Issues with port on Falcon controller

    Thanks Baz. I've got everything down to 30% in the controller for brightness, but I'll check the my voltages.
  13. Verb75

    Answered Issues with port on Falcon controller

    Hi, So I've been testing my lights and I've come across something new for me. Last week I tested all my lights and started putting them up. After putting them all up I loaded up xLights and ran the all the lights from the "test" page. Everything lit up and I had hoped. I went in to have some...
  14. Verb75

    Melbourne/Vic 2019 Melbourne Mini Registration - June 22-23

    Does anyone know if the mini's were filmed as they've been in previous years?
  15. Verb75

    Chromatrim pixel mounting

    Hey dj, You might remember me going through this same process. I ended up using some clips I got from bunnings, and used silicone to stick to the house. You can see images on the thread, near the end of page...