Chromatrim pixel mounting


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
Having recently picked up my first ever order of Chromatrim from Extreme Lighting Displays (thanks @Troy ELD :) ) I wanted to see what type of nodes work best with it. I originally had in mind to use square nodes, but wanted to see if bullets would also work.

Firstly, the wire spacing is something to consider. I want to go with 2 inch node spacing in the chromatrim so I would need spacing of 3 inches between each node (not 3 inch wires...) to allow for some slack between each node. I have some of Ray's PROMOTION! nodes which have just over 3 in spacing:
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I also have a bunch of square nodes that were bought for my megatree. I'm going to use 5v for my roofline and these are 12v so will not be used, but am just fit testing for now. The spacing on these are 4.5 inches:
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Bullets were thought to stick out more than what square nodes do, but this may depend on the conduit used. In the below examples I am using 25mm conduit and you can see it's actually flush:
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Square nodes are a smaller profile, but in my example, the longer wire length between each node becomes a bit combersome, so I'd like to try this again with 3 inch spacing. Something else to note whcih I'll also try is to rotate the square nodes 90deg so that the wires flow left tight right, not up and down. The reason they are this way is the little tabs for securing them actually pushed against the conduit and put stress and slightly mis-aligned the node direction through the front. I'll trim a handfull of these and show the results another day.
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If anyone else has feedback or insights as to how they mount pixels with some visual examples, share here :)
would you use the conduit clips from bunnings to hold onto the pvc?
i was thinking about using this method to hold my pixels in chorotrim on my colourbond roof but thoight i would like to see how it looks and holds before going down this route .
I use the cable tie mounts that I have already siliconed onto the roof tiles (sticky backing removed first as they are useless.) But those clips are effective.
Hey dj,
You might remember me going through this same process. I ended up using some clips I got from bunnings, and used silicone to stick to the house. You can see images on the thread, near the end of page one. I used 20mm pvc. While it worked, I did have concerns about my bullets not giving enough clearance at the back. It was really close, but worked in the end.
Ah yes I do now :)
My post was more about the specific pixels to use and what options there are as opposed to roof/wall mounting techniques which you covered in more detail.
I did this test as I'm in 2 minds as to which type of pixels to order.
A quick update, I cut off the little plugs from the square nodes so they can be rotated 90deg and sit flush against the conduit.
The cables now run left to right but this now means that ever MORE cable is hanging about that needs to be tucked away. I know this particular string has longer spacing between nodes, but at 2in spacing (node very 2nd hole) there is only just over 1in space between each edge of the the pixels. #foodforthought

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This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.