So I have running my shows off my computer, but I’m waiting to start running them off my pi I got last year. It already has FPP on it. I am trying to figure out 2 things. 1- get it to where I power it on I don’t have to login
2- get to my FPP and off the script screen.
So does any know if there is a way to test a f-amp without a f-tester? I have a string of lights that is out and I have checked the string and my extension that runs to it and they both work. I have also checked the fuse for that port also and it is good.
Thanks and God Bless
Ok so I went out there and found my network cable to my sr2 port had come unsnapped and was barely in so in about 22 minutes we’ll see what happens when my September 11th show comes on. I think that might have been the issue because when I plugged my matrix’s back up they didn’t come on! Touch...
I will try that and check them. I lol let you know what it does. If you can think of anything else before then let me know. I’m actually away from the house right now.
Thank you for the help. I was able to go to a XLights backup before the update and got at least my layout but still have not gotten my 3d image of my house back yet.
So I have two matrix panels that I am trying to use for “tune to signs” and pixel strings on my fence and as soon as I put power to my ammo boxes with my falcon srx1 psu’s on LRS-350’s the matrix panels come on immediately and twinkle white all the time with no sequence running. And the fence...
Someone please help!
Windows did an overnight update last night and today when I got on my computer and turned on X lights all of my stuff is gone. I’m talking everything my controllers, my layout, sequences, everything. If anybody else has had this issue, please help me find this stuff. I was...