RGB strip light issue


New elf
Jan 23, 2020
Has anyone had any issues joining RGB strip's?

I have tried to join what I thought was standard 12v strip to other standard 12v strip, and it doesn't seem to work past where I've joined it.

Are there differences between some strips?

Both are 12v, 2811, 3 connections (12v, data in/data out, ground), have the same amount of LEDs per cutting section.

Have tested a non cut strip, so i know the controller is working.

Any ideas?
Are they from different generations or manufacturers? Sometimes older vs newer pixels have slight data differences and they may not work one way round, but they are ok if you swap them.

As long as you got the second have the right way around of course (data direction) 😉
How are you trying to join them together?
Did you have issues cutting the strips and soldering them together?
You can try to bypass the first strip and just use some clips on the second strip to see if they respond.
Did you compare the specs on the packaging?
firstly how are you testing ?
as if your testing from Xlights, have you assigned the right amount of pixels for the extension, it might be still trying to only use the original amount of pixels, which will mean your extension will not work
or are you just trying the TEST Channels function ?
They are different strips from different manufacturers, both 2811, and both 12v. I thought I could just join them together and they would be ok, but doesn't seem like it unfortunately.

I have soldered the joins. Data in and data out are the correct way around

I know xlights is OK, as I can plug in another strip to the same port and its fine, but 2 others that I have joined both stop at the point where it's joined.

I was hoping to use some of my left over strips from a few years back to some I have purchased this year, but it doesn't seem to want to work....

in the picture below, the left hand side with the silicone cover works, but past the join the to right doesn't work.
Sure looks like something that would work. 12V, one chip per 3 LEDs, etc. The alignment isn't perfect, so I'd use the meter to make sure the data in isn't bridged to 12V or GND, you could also check that there is 12V a bit farther down the strip, etc. I assume the "non-cut strip" you tested goes past the join point, so we're sure the controller is trying to send data past the join point, because that'd be a silly mistake I could see myself making. Other than that, it could come down to what Skymaster said... all the various pixels receive controller data fine, but sometimes there are issues with them sending it to each other. Or something wrong with that strip section.
Yea, already checked for continuity between gnd and 12v all ok, cant check data as i assume it goes into one of the chip pins and im not sure of the pinout. The alignment I couldn't help, as the pads were in slightly different position. Non cut strip definitely goes past the cut point.
I can only think the issue is what Skymaster said too. Bit of a pain really, as I have replaced some strips on my spiral trees with new strip and they are on the same port as other spiral trees with old strips, so now I assume they may have the same issue!!! Not what I needed right now hahaha
Check the trees, and check the trees in the reverse order, maybe that will shed some light on it if it is the strips not talking to each other.
One other thing to try randomly is to put a data amp before the strip, sounds weird but I've seen that change the behavior.
do you have a dead short between data and gnd..
cause strip has tracks both sides,
there could there be a short that your not realising (due to the angle of the joint solder point)

just a issue i had in the past with strip that does not align perfectly
I would unsolder the two strips and use jumpers to test the second strip by itself to make sure it still works. If it still works then I would try jumpers from the first strip to the second strip to check to make sure data is still being passed from the end of the first strip. It might be possible that something was damaged during the attempt to solder the two strips together and you might need to take some of the damaged parts off.
see if the ends of the second strip have voltage ?
also try what indogyre recommended
are you sure no solder bridged the pads together in between the PCBs eg between the layers in the photo?
I would swap the order of the strips and see if that works. If it is an "older" WS2811 chip in front of a "newer" chip, then the latch timing might be the problem. Of course, this shouldn't be problem because you say you have newer before older but pretty easy to try.
Another odd thing I forgot to mention is I have 2 strips that are doing the exact same thing, not lighting up past my join.

I'll try a few things mentioned in the thread and see what happens. I joined all that I needed and also to the lengths I needed so it's hard to know exactly what is old and what is new. I didn't anticipate this issue so didn't think it was necessary to keep track of that.