Inspiration needed


New elf
Jul 2, 2024
Hi all,

First of all, what a great forum!

I have always wanted to do a light show, but never thought I had the technical ability or budget to pull one off. I have got myself 1000 pixels this year and I am planning on doing a small animation, without music, as a way of trying my hand at this. All going well, I will continue to build and plan for the following year.

I plan on doing my gutters (bottom and second story) and around my 3 windows and garage.
However, I am not having any luck finding examples and inspiration for a music-less display. I am also not sure how long the animation should run for? Time between effects? Sounds silly, but feel a bit in over my head at the moment 😅

Any examples you can share, or advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.
I did mine without music for the first 2 years, I did just 30 seconds of an effect then 30 seconds of another effect etc, your neighbors will love anything you do in reality.
If you don't have a music show, most animation shows will have a short drive by time. People will stop and look and move on relatively quickly. So, your animations can be relatively short. Depending on the animation, I'd probably shoot for 5-30 seconds long with almost a random feel to the sequence. But really, it could be anything.

You could also import some song sequences and let people guess what they are looking at. So many of the shared sequences today have "all on" "all the time" that it would be "easy" to map over something to show on your outline.

Since you basically are planning an outline, a standard rgbyo layout would look great as well as some relatively static white sequences.
This guy did mainly outlines so may be good for some ideas but he did musical sequences.

Can you import someone's sequence if you are not doing it to music as this is what I was planning to do so hope so as these sequences use more advanced effect than I know how to do..

otherwise I will just do as mentioned above 30-60secs of an effect then change to another which should still look okay
This guy did mainly outlines so may be good for some ideas but he did musical sequences.

Can you import someone's sequence if you are not doing it to music as this is what I was planning to do so hope so as these sequences use more advanced effect than I know how to do..
Well you don't have to have something to play the music ;-) But if you're going to the effort of importing a sequence, I would leave the music so you don't have to redo it all again...

Like Daryl and many others, my first couple of years were random effects with no music. The first year or two I added music all I had was a small set of PC speakers poking out the garage window connected to my FPP Raspberry Pi.... that was plenty loud enough to reach the street. Now I have a weatherproof speaker down near the front fence. I've used my FM transmitter for only a few days when it was raining. It doesn't always have to be fancy :)
Thanks all for the replies. Mshorts display looks awesome. Definitely the inspiration I need. Now I need to learn how to make decent effects 😂
My experience: Music doesn't matter, 5 in 1000 people who visit my display actually notice the music and lights are in sync, you could just play the radio for all that matters and people would think its epic, they usually only come for cool pretty lights at christmas time.