Hello everyone !


New elf
Oct 11, 2024
Hello !

My name is Aurelien, i live from France (Drome).
I'm totally new on controllers universe (Arduino/Esp).
The first show i've seen on YouTube made me want do a first show for this year !
I wanted to start this project with Uno card and 8x relays (to begin) but my project need to use wireless. I think i can't use serial (UART) in wireless connection, also, i've buyed D1 mini (Esp 8266) for use Wifi connection and sACN protocol (E1.31 dmx).
In terms of coding, I'm learning so it's complicated for me. I just search the code and modify it but also try understand when it works for learn.
My code and relays works good with wifi connection now (after many tries and failures !) on Vixen Lights/ xLights softwares but it need some change for better work.
I've some bugs with effects latency in vixen but not in xLight ?? (i go to create new post in vixen 3 forum)
I'm sure I'll have other questions and i'm happy to join this forum for learn more on christmas show lights and others with controllers ;)