Wb1616 manual?


New elf
Oct 22, 2024
Is there a manual for the wb1616 controller or a website for a newbey to start programming a 16 string mega tree? I bought it thinking it was pre loaded with a simple program. Any help is appreciated
Yes, you can find all the information here


I downloaded that manual but it is very minimal. It doesn’t even tell how to test or force a program. Thank you. I am looking for mor detail on how to use it
You can start with the 101 guide.

And then move to the FPP Manual for more details.

You can also search on Youtube for videos on xLights.
I use several of these WB1616s, they are very nice little units.

Here's a quick start:
1. The first step is to boot it with the SD card that came with it. (I assume you built it. Maybe using the manual @Indigogyre mentioned. A photo of that might help, depending on how far you got.)
2. That is enough to let you see/set the IP address on the front OLED. If you are not seeing "Wally's Lights" on the OLED as it boots, and then a menu you can get by pressing the buttons go back to step 1 :-D
3. Then, this will let you in to the web user interface with your browser on the same network.
4. From here, you'd use the FPP manual: https://falconchristmas.github.io/FPP_Manual(5.5).pdf
5. Probably suggest using xLights to get the effects you want to run. FPP doesn't have much. It's also a lot easier to configure your 16 string tree with xLights than it is any other way I know of.