help me

Twinkly should work with xLights. I bought one string just to test them out because they wanted me to teach a class on it at Florida Mega Mini one year. From memory first get the Twinkly string setup and running with their phone app which should establish a connection between the Twinkly device and your network. Then go into xLights controller tab and use the Discover button and see if it shows up. If so your done just add a Single Line model and map it to that controller. If it doesn't show up you might need to put the device in the mode where the led blinks. I just can't remember exactly how I did it but I got it to work and demonstrated it working in a class.

But that being said don't go out and try to build a whole show using Twinkly. Its way too expensive and you can get better results just buying a controller and some pixels and maybe a coro prop to put them in.