My 2024 Show


New elf
Generous elf
Jul 10, 2024
Here's my 54 minute show with a Christmas Vacation intro and 17 songs. New for this year was my big mega tree, house outline, and 8 candy canes. The mega tree is a 30 strand x 100 tree that stands about 19 feet with the 36" star. Added 10 guy wires because I'm a control freak. My old tree got kicked to the right side of the yard. Huge upgrade.

Unfortunately, my first attempt at recording I did from my car when my phone was connected to the car via bluetooth. Found out the hard way that no sound is recorded when connected to a vehicle. Then, on my second attempt, I had a mega tree strand on the right that had a loose anchor causing it to not be visible and two strands on the left with a weird connectivity issue. Still looked OK for the most part so I finalized the video page of the show. Hoping to add a big matrix on the garage next year, maybe some mini trees or presents, and swap my AlphaPix with a Baldrick.

Channels: 18,066
Controllers: HinksPix Pro, Hinks LR4 x 3, Hinks LR16 x 2, AlphaPix 4, DigQuad x 2

A big thanks to @merryoncherry for getting me going!
