Needing Help with Xlights Layout


Im a SmartAlec what can i say!
Community project designer
May 4, 2010
Murray Bridge, S.A.
Hi all,

Long time Xlights user,
So that means i know nothing about the Latest Features.

I don't know if there are better ways to layout an manage everything.
Currently everything is e1.31 in xlights, but all the controllers are master/ 12slaves.
Would this DDP thing work? is there better ways?

Just looking for better ways to be able to sequence / manage the show with such a large channel count.

Ive Packaged up my colour test sequence, that renders to 9mb.

So let me know how badly ive screwed things up!

Thanks in Advance.
Just throwing some generic advice without downloading your layout....If you're running as Master slave now across multiple FPP controllers, that will provide better performance than throwing DDP around from the show player. Each controller will handle it's own sequence data and not choke the network

Changing from E1.31 to DDP in this setup only changes the protocol used when using the Output To Lights function, and not when the show is running.
First thing I would do is read or watch about the visualizer. It looks like the config was mostly done using the process from a few years ago. I see a couple of controllers that use the visualizer. You should try to use for all controllers/props that you can. The reason is that it is easier to manage them visually then to keep track of which ip and channel you have them on. For compatible controllers, xLights will upload the config to the controller so you don't have to manually visit the controllers and assign the channels.

Are the PixelBone compatible FPP or something you dreamed up entirely on your own? You should be able to use one of the other cape models if it is compatible.
Yes @merryoncherry they were my PixelBone 5 Series Controllers. (FPP+Cape) (all being Slaves to the FPP Master)

I was testing out the Visualizer this year @MikeKrebs , I found it to be the worst thing around (I have custom props)
So next year, that crap will not be used.

(I know every controller via there IP number) {the visualiser kept wanting to do things its way, an not the way things are.}

Its more the Xlights side thats the issue.. I had to turn off Auto Render, but it still took some sequences over an hr to render
re the render. My I7 laptop used to take up to 20 Minutes, My Desktop (I7) used to take 4 minutes and my new NUC (Ultra 7) takes a massive 14 seconds to render the same thing
I’m curious - what is it about custom props that didn’t work with the visualiser?
I’m curious - what is it about custom props that didn’t work with the visualiser?
all sorts, from not allowing enough channels for a prop, even tho the prop says what it needs. or being able to span props over multi outputs cause visualiser wants it on one output etc..
stupid issues like that.
I guess im more used to ip number of controller, universe's used x,y,z = prop #1,
old skool ways
re the render. My I7 laptop used to take up to 20 Minutes, My Desktop (I7) used to take 4 minutes and my new NUC (Ultra 7) takes a massive 14 seconds to render the same thing
I have a I7 desktop 32gig ram, 12 core's. I know most of the sequences complained they wanted over 45gig ram, so had to make a virtual disk for the extra.
I would start a Batch render (15 sequences),then goto bed for 8hrs, wake up an it will be doing the last sequence.
This issue mainly happened when i went over a million channels, an worse when i went over 4million channels..
Im hoping maybe more ram might help the system speed up
all sorts, from not allowing enough channels for a prop, even tho the prop says what it needs. or being able to span props over multi outputs cause visualiser wants it on one output etc..
Some of my new larger props I setup the model that it has 2 strings (string = controller output) and I'm pretty sure Visualiser allowed me to drag which string was on which output easily
Strings will need to be on consecutive outputs (ie. drag onto port 6 and it'll use 6-7-8-9 if set to 4 strings).
But with the custom models you just need to set the starting node for each string and it'll do the rest.

all sorts, from not allowing enough channels for a prop, even tho the prop says what it needs.
Could be "Auto Size" and "Auto Layout Models" need to be ticked on the controller.