2 matrixes next to each other


Full time elf
May 12, 2010
Hi, I know this can be done but just not sure how.

I have 2 of the Boscoyo matrixes each one is 40 wide by 20 high. I will be wiring them up by running 4 strings of 200 nodes with 5 strands/string on each of the matrixes. When I hang the 2 matrixes side by side, how do I get Xlights to treat them as just 1 big matrix of 80 wide by 20 high?

Appreciate your help
You probably need to make a custom model. Then you can wire them in any way you want.

(I think there’s a thing called shadow models that might work - but a custom model should be easy enough)
Alternatively you can create 2x models based on how they are wired, then place both models into a group and sequence at the group level, which is what I will be doing.
Why not use vertical wiring direction... 10 strands a string, so it looks like 1 matrix to xLights? (Not convenient to hook to the controller that way can be the reason, of course.)

The other approaches are good, but there are subtleties that will help. If you make a custom model, you may want to do keep xy, and make a stranded submodel. (But I do not see how a custom model makes sense vs vertical wiring?) If you use a group, you may want to set the default layout mode of the group to "Horizontal Stack".
Alternatively you can create 2x models based on how they are wired, then place both models into a group and sequence at the group level, which is what I will be doing.
Yeah this is the approach I took. Layout mode will need to be considered for different purposes though
Having a group would give the benefit and hindrance of being able to use the Per Model render styles for some funky effects.

I say hinderance because it's a sequence was set up to use a specific style for a particular effect on a single matrix, it may need tweaking on the group to look right.
As the others have already pointed out, use a group.
We have several instances (we call them "Christmas Cards") of matrixes next to each other that are treated like one big matrix.
Card 1 Left, and Card 1 Right. Each side has 8 strings with 144 nodes/string with 3 strands/string. (Total that makes it 48 high with 48 wide when both sides are there.) They are wired vertical.
A group called "Card Matrix" is where we do our sequencing on these. All works and very well.

A fun part is the ability to treat each side separately if we want. (48 tall and 24 wide.)