2 wire 2 channel mfc bypass/steady on somehow?


New elf
Nov 19, 2020
Hello! Greetings from Greece!

I have 2 wire 2 channel 31V "DC" LED MFCs that I have to cycle through the modes every time I plug them in and they drive me crazy.

I have read the wiki and past threads and I don't have my hopes up but I thought I would try and ask anyway. I am attaching photos of the MFC.

Is there any way to have my lights steady on? Maybe by bypassing/replacing the (unlabeled) controller or through other means? Or maybe an Arduino step-by-step guide? (I have not messed with Arduinos before)

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It doesn't look to be possible to mod that MFC.

You could discard the MFC and use it with a DMX 2-wire controller, but that means going down the computer controller route.
Can you please guide me to more info on the most simple DMX 2-wire controller? I did not find a good hit on that?