2012 Build and videos.

Andy (F/K/A harrison0550) said:
I did use Nutcracker for some effects but my method of using it wasnt probably what most folks did. If I generated an effect I liked I didnt paste it into the sequence, I created a test sequence and pasted all effects into it then changed them to my liking and length before copying into my main sequence. I also used BobO's tool extensively for flipping entire sections of sequence in different orientations in the test sequence before adding to the main sequence. Flipping things and pasting something originally designed for one element into a different element really created some cool effects along with overlapping effects. I call it "screwing up to the beat" :eek:

Sorry about the large pics in this post, didnt want to shrink them down so you could see how I attached the rope light and mounted the frames.

Thanks Everyone!
That will explain why out of all the sequencing with LOR and RGB that i have seen that this is beyond what i have seen others do with LOR S3. Your method seemed to have worked well and has set a standard with LOR S3
The sequencing there is awesome! That's the first video I've actually watched end-to-end (and I've watched a LOT of christmas lights videos!) Awesome work!!!!
so did you use any special software for the faces to sync wit hthe voices or was it all done manually by yourself in lor??
so did you use any special software for the faces to sync wit hthe voices or was it all done manually by yourself in lor??

Yea I used Bobo's papagayo to LOR software here........

However just like with nutcracker and the clipboard flipper I created a test sequence and pasted to it first and then changed things to my liking before adding to the main sequence. I didnt create multiple voices with papagayo. I just did one face at a time.