2012 Project No 3 - Laminar Water Jets.


Dedicated elf
Jun 20, 2009
Canberra, ACT, Australia
2012 Project No 3 - Laminar Water Jets.

Install two Laminar water jets firing into the middle of the Megatree closest to the driveway, these will be light by RGB lighting and hopefully made leaping as well.
These just plain look cool and I want to build a couple, plus always wanted some sort of water feature.
If you want to read more check out http://laminar.forumotion.com/

Layout Requirements:
Laminar Jets buried in the yard firing into some sort of "pond" under the tree, piping to return water to pumps and all pump pipes for the jets to be buried in the yard, at least a 100 litre water tank for the pump will also need to be buried

Various items to construct the Laminar Jets - details to follow
PVC piping and Irrigation pipe to move water around
At least two submergeable pumps
100L plus water container/tank that can be buried
Soleniod valves and electrical control circuits
high powered RGB light
Optical fibre
I'll detail this better as we go
No idea yet except for
8000L/Hr pump from bunnings $70

Now the one thing that I can't do is the brass outlet nozzle as this needs to be made on a lathe, so if someone has a lathe and could help out please raise your hand

Sounds like a way cool idea

But not something I think I'll copy... water tends to missbehave when the temperature drops to -25 celsius :)
Re: Re: 2012 Project No 3 - Laminar Water Jets.

Slite said:
But not something I think I'll copy... water tends to missbehave when the temperature drops to -25 celsius :)

Could be a great effect..frozen arches :))
Have you also considered a wind meter for this project as water can easily go astray with the wind
Eric outback NT said:
brass outlet nozzle send me the specs and i will get one made in my hospital workshops
can it be made out of stainless? we have little brass


appreciate the offer, AAH has offered in chat to get one done so i'll take that up at the moment, just hadn't updated the thread to reflect the offer.

On the subject of Brass v SS, the experience from the Laminar Flow forums is that SS degrades on the fine edge far faster than Brass, though maybe that was poor quality SS.

Maybe it's worth trying one of each, let me get a 3D drawing done.

Wind Meter is on the books thanks for the reminder, low water cutoff is handled by the pumps as they have inbuilt low water switches.


I built a laminar jet last summer, you don't have to use a brass nozzle. I used a pex pipe milled with my dremmel and it seemed to work great. Glad you found the laminar forum, lots of good info on getting the stream right but very little knowledge on RGB. Hit me up if you have any questions, I'll be anxious to see what you come up with.

I spent hours looking at the Laminar forum. Very interesting stuff.