2014 Halloween Light Show: Internet Friends by Knife Party

Can only imagine what it looks like in real life. The best I've seen yet.

Let us know when the house across the street comes up for sale!
As I said when you posted the preview up about a week ago you've done an awesome job of synching things up the same as you have in the past.
Did you use LOR S3 in it's naked state or did you use Superstar or Nutcracker to produce some of the fancy stuff.
It's hard to imagine that such a great show can be done with about 2600 channels especially with most of them going int that matrix out the front.

Absolutely awesome :)
AAH said:
As I said when you posted the preview up about a week ago you've done an awesome job of synching things up the same as you have in the past.
Did you use LOR S3 in it's naked state or did you use Superstar or Nutcracker to produce some of the fancy stuff.
It's hard to imagine that such a great show can be done with about 2600 channels especially with most of them going int that matrix out the front.

Absolutely awesome :)
I actually just use S3. Have tried nutcracker & superstar but I couldn't control the effects enough. Doing it by hand isn't THAT bad. However, I used the chase function like CRAZY.
Fantastic Show!

Your sequencing is 1st Class, some of the best I have seen in real life and online.

Amazing how you have done it all by hand in LOR, it is a credit to your patience and your work effort.
Do you get many trick or treaters, or they too scared to knock on the door.
I've been watching your videos since your pixel test and have been impressed with all of them. After thinking you couldn't top it you did it anyway.

Super impressive. Well done.