2016 Pacific NW C.L.A.P Meeting


Full time elf
Jun 8, 2010
Woodinville, WA
An early reminder that the date has been set for the PacNW Regional Christmas Gathering. So put the date(s) in your calendars.

We call this the Christmas Light Addiction Program, for those that have the C.L.A.P. - Christmas Light Addiction Problem. Everyone is welcome to attend this event, and there is no charge for attending.

Here is the information:

Friday April 29th - In the afternoon is the Set Up Party with the Pizza Meet & Greet Friday Night. This is for those in the area, or those staying in the area for the event. This has always been a well attended and fun event.

C.L.A.P. is Saturday April 30th - Networking, coffee, donuts 7:30 - 8:30. We start at 8:30am

Location: Nancy Foley - 4842 Thompson Lane SE - Olympia, WA 98513

1. Using GFCI’s in the PacNW
2. Keeping your Display grounded
3. Using Papagayo for Sequencing
4. Falcon F16v2/Expansion/Differential Overview With Capt Murdoch
5. Woodland Park Zoo - Wildlights Overview
6. Building a better mouse trap
7. Mini Pixel Tester/Controller
8. TGCLF experience (1 maybe 2 - 2016 contestants)

We always have the Swap Meet table for buying or horse trading!

Our first vendor has already committed – Terry Hurrle – Wireframe Concepts. More will be forthcoming for sure.

Kevin Thomas is putting together a group buy for HDPE for RGB Arches. Cost will be $175 / 100’ roll delivered. Send me or him a PM or email for details. Kevin can deliver these to C.L.A.P.
2 updates, both are time sensitive.

1.Kevin Thomas (Wirekat) who offered to broker a 2" HDPE group buy, is putting the order in on Friday March 11th. No more order will be taken after noon PDT. If you are interested PM or send me an email, and I will put you in contact with Kevin

2.We have a new C.L.A.P. member who has the ability to create acrylic matrix panels locally. There will be 2 sizes 10x10 and 10x15 to accommodate bullet or square pixel in 100 or 150 strings respectively. There may be some room for customization. If interested in getting these ordered, they can be delivered at C.L.A.P. PM or email me and I will forward Randy's contact information.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday April 30th!
My my how the calendar has gotten away from us so fast. It’s April already and CLAP is right around the corner!

This will serve as a request for RSVPs to get a head count for attendance and lunch. This is a free event to attend. The only cost is your time to come and share your day with us. Please reply if you are coming.

See below for all pertinent info and some updated request items:

Friday April 29th - Set Up at Nancy Foley's 12:00pm - This is always fun, Bill's shop gets its annual cleaning and the conversation is always riveting. That evening at 5:30 is the Pizza Meet & Greet for those in the area or staying in the area.

Farrell’s Pizza & Pool Co
4870 Yelm Hwy SE
Lacey, WA

Sat April 30th - Networking, coffee, donuts 7:30am - CLAP starts at 8:30am

Nancy Foley
4842 Thompson Lane SE
Olympia, WA 9851

1. Using GFCI’s in the PacNW
2. Keeping your Display grounded (Literally)
3. Using Papagayo for Sequencing
4. Falcon F16v2/Expansion/Differential Overview
5. Woodland Park Zoo - Wildlights Overview
6. Building a better mouse trap (Group Discussion on display logistics)
7. Mini Pixel Tester/Controller
8. TGCLF Experience with Mike Ziemkowski (and we are hoping Anthony Mish!)

Important Update items:
1. We have a new C.L.A.P. member who has the ability to create acrylic matrix panels locally. There will be 2 sizes 10x10 and 10x15 to accommodate bullet or square pixel in 100 or 150 strings respectively. There may be some room for customization. If interested in getting these ordered, they can be delivered at C.L.A.P. PM or email me and I will forward Randy's contact information.
2. If you have swap meet items bring them along and set them up on the table for horse trading
3. Item 6 on the agenda, Building a Better Mouse Trap, is meant to be a group discussion on something you have done or created that has assisted in your display creation or execution. We want a sharing of those epiphany moments, or golden ideas. We all have something here for sure. Think about this and come prepared to verbally share, or bring a show and tell……..
4. Jim Winder has the following items he is willing to give to anyone interested. If you are, respond to me and I will put you in touch with Jim directly:
• 9 Pieces of 1" x 6' White PEX
• 12 Pieces of 2" x 10' Grey PVC
• 5 Pieces of 4" x 10' Grey PVC (has holes where I tied Zip Ties to it)
• 30 Pieces of 3/4" x 10' Grey PVC

Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday April 30th!
Thanks to all that attended 2016 CLAP. It was another successful event!

Thanks to our final list of sponsors, we so very much appreciate your support through the years!
• Demented Elf
• Boscoyo Studios
• Christmas-LEDS
• Creative Displays
• Evan Norris
• Matt Ross
• Wireframe Concepts
• Reindeers
• Christmas Light Show
• McLendons
• Lori's Lighted D'Lited
• DigiPointe LaserWorks

All info will be posted on nwclap.org

We already have suggestions for topics for 2017's meeting! and we look forward to seeing everyone there.