International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting


Full time elf
Jun 8, 2010
Woodinville, WA
The Season is barely a memory a this point, but we wanted to get notice out as early as possible. This event is still open to all who are interested and is still one of the last free "minis" out there

CLAP will be held on Saturday April 29th. Put it in your calendars. Our usual first Saturday of May did not work for Nancy, our gracious host.
We are still 3+ months away. but if you know you want to attend let us know. We understand plans change down the road, we are just trying to get a rough idea on how many we may have

If there is a subject you want to tackle and would like to teach, let us know. Its great that we have been getting different individuals the past few yeas to present

If there is a subject you want to know about, so we can attempt to get it put into the agenda, let us know

One subject we bantered about is, using a 3D printer. Several of our members now have them and have been using them for Set up.

More updates and announcements to follow
Some of you may or may not be aware that on Oct 6th 2016, we lost one of our own, Rex Gaus. Besides Jim Winder, Rex was the member who usually drove up on a motorcycle, many times with his daughter or his wife Vanesa in tow. Rex and Vanesa were in attendance last year. There is a GoFundMe set up for his family, as his wife is disabled and not able to work. They are having a Memorial for Rex on Sat April 1st from 5-9pm. That would have been his and Vanesa’s 25th wedding anniversary.
The family wanted to keep it light, and it will be held at Angelo’s Restaurant in Bellevue, WA. 1830 – 130th Ave NE
Wirekat and I are planning on attending. If you want to join us, a friend of Rex is taking RSVP’s -
The agenda for CLAP 2017 is still being worked out, and we should have an update in a week or so. However, one of our members is working on a group buy. This info is time sensitive and volume dependent.
Jerry, (Jerry72, Bowhunter3125), has the opportunity to get the Really Big Lights for $24 bucks a box (5 bulbs) delivered. He can arrange to bring them to CLAP at the end of April, or can make other arrangements to get them to you should you not be able to attend CLAP.
These are really cool to convert to RGB. I had 32 of them in my Road Tree this year and they were a huge hit with the visitors. I have more to make, and plan 48 in that tree next year (so I already have mine in hand)
Jerry has put a drop dead date of April 2nd to get the order in so they will be here in time for CLAP. There is also a minimum of 36 boxes that needs to be ordered to make this happen. If you are interested or want more details, get with Jerry directly –
The agenda has yet to be finalized, however, we are still looking to get an idea for head count. If you have NOT already RSVP’d, please do so. We are working with Nancy on this, as we may move the venue this year. This has not been determined yet. Last year we grew about as big as we can go in Bill’s shop. Nancy was concerned that if we grow any more…... But fear not, if we do change venue’s it will be just as scenic, it is not far from Nancy’s (if you have already made hotel arrangements), and it still has a connection to Bill. More as we get into April.

If you have not already signed up for our PacNW CLAP Facebook group go join:
This is a closed group to those whom have attended a CLAP meeting.

More info to come.


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We have an update for CLAP. Please PM me if interested. For some reason this forum does not like cutting and pasting.........
Just a quick update. We are 4 weeks away from CLAP. We are still looking for RSVPs to assist with head count for lunch. If you have already RSVP’d we have you down, if not, please let us know.
[/size]Here is an updated agenda and vendor list:
[/size]Friday afternoon 2-5pm Set up or just hang out and talk more lights
[/size]Friday April 28th - 5pm - ?? Pizza Meet and Greet for those in the area
[/size]Farrell’s Pizza - 4870 Yelm Hwy SE, Lacey, WA 98503
[/size]Saturday April 29th - 7am – 8am Networking, coffee, snacks
[/size]Saturday April 29th - 8am CLAP Starts. Typically we go till 5 or 6pm.
[/size]Nancy Foley - 4842 Thompson Lane SE, Olympia, WA 98513
[/size]Agenda (not necessarily in this order)
[/size]1. Coro and Plastic for your Display – Don McGillivray
[/size]2. Video your Display – Mike Ziemkowski
[/size]3. 3D Printing and the Decorator – Lowell Fuher
[/size]4. Photon Stick Wireless Pixel Receiver – Steve Garrett
[/size]5. Xlights and AC Controllers – Kevin Thomas
[/size]6. Newbies, New Things, New Challenges – Open Group Discussion
[/size]7. Top 10 Pixel Hardware List – Mark Zembruski
[/size]Sponsors. We have some new ones, and we have some who have supported us over the years. Please, please, support them, and never forget to thank them for their CLAP support:
[/size]· Falcon Christmas
[/size]· Creative Displays Inc
[/size]· Demented Elf
[/size]· Rainy Oregon Christmas
[/size]· Boscoyo
[/size]· Christmas-LEDs
[/size]· Winklebottom's
[/size]· McLendons
[/size]· Holiday Technologies
[/size]· Christmas Expo
[/size]· Really Big Lights
[/size]· 3G Lighting
[/size]Crockett Family of Lights
[/size]San Devices
Can someone explain to me why attempting to cut and paste now on this forum results in the above? Frustrating...