Release 2018.3 xLights released


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Release 2018.3
Kevin has created new icons for the top row of xlights.
10 enhancements, 8 bug fixes in this release.

Latest releases are found at
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Issue Tracker is found here:

2018.3 Jan 21, 2018
-- enh (dkulp) Bunch of render optimizations, particularly for groups with large number of models
-- enh (dkulp) Bunch of startup optimizations - don't load rgbeffects.xml twice
-- enh (scott) Added Ctrl-A to Selects all Effects in a Sequence.
-- enh (scott) Add Select Row Effects to Sequencer Row Right Click Menu.
-- enh (gil) Added a DMX Flood option to the DMX Model.
-- enh (gil) Allow the rotate handle to Spin the DMX Model when in 3D mode.
-- bug (gil) Fixed a LOR S4 clipboard export model issue.
-- enh (keith) Add an image model
-- bug (keith) Fix listbox column sizing in the model group panel
-- bug (keith) Fix issues with mapping dialog
-- bug (keith) Fix performance issue with setup tab when contains large number of universes
-- enh (keith) Fix default model start channel to always be 1 channel after the model with the highest ending channel
-- bug (keith) Fix some text controls not updating associated sliders
-- enh (keith) Display in tooltip current effect being rendered in render progress dialog ... if it gets stuck you will know
which effect is to blame
-- enh (keith) Fix #1010 - If user cancels nominating a valid show directory xLights should exit.
-- bug (keith) Fix xSchedule incorrectly calculates virtual model end when checking if it fits within channel range
-- bug (keith) More improvements to number aware sorting which was not handling number sorts where more than the number
component were different
-- bug (keith) Circular model start channel references was hanging xLights