International 2018 Annual Pacific NW CLAP Mtg


Full time elf
Jun 8, 2010
Woodinville, WA

The date has been set for our annual gathering. Saturday April 21st.

NOTE! The location will be different. With mixed emotions, we have outgrown Nancy's Lake House and Bill's shop. Sadly there are a lot of memories there, but we are still keeping it in the family, as Eric Foley will be hosting us. This is a phenomenal venue, still in the same general area, closer to Puget Sound, the property has a pond, Car Barn with the Foley's Fire Engine and car collection, and a replica Fire house where the meeting will be held. No more cold, tight quarters, shop.

Address: 2825 Fishtrap Loop NE
Olympia, WA 98506

This is a free event to attend, for anyone to attend, the only investment is your time. We are soliciting ideas on subject matter. If you have something you want to know more about, let us know.

The Friday afternoon and evening, Set Up party and Pizza Fest will be held on the 20th. Given the adjustment in meeting location, we are contemplating a different Pizza Fest venue. Mark your calendars now, more details will follow.
An Update for the Pac NW CLAP

Sorry for the lack of communication. Been a busy year already. We are all set for Saturday April 21st.

Set Up Party and Pizza Feast on Friday April 20th. Pizza Feast Venue is TBD an update will follow

As usual bring anything you want to trade or sell for the Swap Meet

The location of this years meeting is at Eric Foley's:

2825 Fishtrap Loop NE
Olympia, WA 98506

Set Up on Friday starts at Noon

CLAP on Saturday starts at 8m

This is still a free event to attend. We do however need RSVP's to plan for lunch.
The Agenda is as follows
  • Group Round Table Discussion
    • What worked, what didn't
    • What do you want to share
    • What questions do you have to ask
    • Attention to Details
  • E1.31 Wireless
    • Overall Options
    • Steve Garrett Update
  • Power Injection
  • How to prevent those December meltdown blues (AFCI's)
  • LOR S5
Please respond that you plan to come, another update will follow listing sponsors and Pizza Venue.
Here is the Final Update. We are only 18 days away! CLAP is the last major gathering that is still free to attend, so we need to plan on head count. Please RSVP if you plan to attend, and let me know if you will attend the Friday night Meet and Greet event. If you have already sent an RSVP no need to send again, I have the list updated.

The agenda is all set, see above.

The Friday night Pizza Meet & Greet IS MOVING TO A NEW VENUE:

ROCK PIZZA - 5:30pm

Address: 5400 Martin Way E, Lacey, WA 98516

Phone: (360) 412-0300

Reservation is under C.L.A.P.

Remember that CLAP is also at a new venue:

Eric Foley

2825 Fishtrap Loop NE

Olympia, WA 98506

Doors open at 7am for coffee and donuts, dont forget if you want to bring something to sell or swap, we will have tables set up for that. It should be a great day. See you all then.
We are about as set as we can be for this weekend. Special thanks to Eric Foley and the new Firehouse. They have pushed to get things ready for us, and even in its somewhat incomplete state, the pictures look amazing. I cant wait to see it in person. I still contend that we have the best venue in the entire country for our Mini, and moving from the Lake House to the Sound House will not disappoint. Eric and his wife Jennifer are setting this up as a “Dinner Destination” venue. On hand is the fire engine and car collection of the Foley’s. There is only a handful of us who have seen the Car Barn in years past, and now you all will get a chance to see this. The Foley’s have been extremely gracious over the years with hosting this event with Brother Gary always assisting.

For those who have RSVP’d, thank you. It is still not too late to decide to come. Special thanks to those presenting our agenda this year:

Lowell Fuher – Group Roundtable Discussion – Attention to Details

Jay Danielson – Cheap E131 Wireless

Pete Peters – AFCI vs GFCI Avoiding December Meltdowns

Kevin Thomas & Darren Huffty – LOR S5

Pete Peters - Power Injection

Steve Garrett – E131 Wireless Update

Our Sponsors do an amazing job supporting us. Please support them, and when you interact with them, thank them for taking the time to send us goodies as giveaways.

Lori's Lighted D’Lites

Christmas Expo


Holiday Technologies
Winklebottoms Wireframes

3G Lighting Creations

Demented Elf

SanDevices Pixel Controllers

Advatek Lighting


Crockett Family of Lights

HiTech Lights (Falcon)

Creative Display's

Boscoyo Studios

Evergreen Church

Lowell, Kevin, myself and the gang are looking forward to a fun filled day. See you all Saturday.