2023 is done, starting to plan for 2024: what will you keep, what will you change?

Where do I begin?

The Rosa Wreaths and Baby Grand Illusions worked out as well as I thought they would.
Putting up all the verticals, planned for year 2.
Getting all 8 mini-trees out was worth it which completed all the year 2 upgrades. :)
MegaTree Update w/ Star worked awesomely.
The Poor man Pixel Poles went well with the Spiral trees.
Triple Arches
P5 Tune-To sign! Had it since year one ready to be built.

Peace stakes need more planning for next year, last minute addition from year 2.
Baby Grad Illusions, yeah, I liked them but think they could have been better (Pondering upgrades)
Pixel Poles, 6 were nice but really need 8. 8 is the magic number.
Just above the garage door needs to be reworked with all the older low def props.
Ran out of controller ports.

2 or 4 more HD props
Icicles to replace eaves
Matrix Panel(s)
Work to refine layout
Better sequence mapping
Update controller boxes
Plus other things I have yet to think of :)