Release 2024.04 Released


Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
2024.04 Feb 29, 2024

— enh (gjones) Allow model group centers (red cross) to be defined with right-click (Set Center Offset Here)

— enh (gjones) Prevent model group centers (red cross) from moving when models are added/removed/moved

— enh (gjones) Modified center offset (red cross) spin controls so enter key will latch values

— enh (gjones) Expand range from +/- 1000 to +/- 5000 for red cross offsets

— enh (derwin12) Add Select Effects dialog to UI toolbar

— enh (derwin12) Add expand and collapse to import mapping dialog

— enh (derwin12) Allow editin dimensions for Image type props

— enh (derwin12) Include creator in the search for Sequence Downloads

— enh (derwin12) Add preference to hide color update warning

— enh (derwin12) Scale the sphere ot get a better 3d export

— enh (derwin12) Resize/relayout several dialogs

— enh (derwin12) DMX effect put 16 channels on one page

— bug (derwin12) Remapping of missing submodels skips over some

— bug (dkulp) Fix crash when sorting by effect count in Import dialog

— bug (dkulp) Fix crash in Single Strand Chase effect if value curves are used for chase size

— bug (scott) Experience controllers support ArtNet

— bug (scott) Fix Minleon upload

xLights is available for download from

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Video tutorials:
xLights user manual:
Same here. Any attempt to import effects creates a crash file and then dumps out of the program.
Works great except for importing.
Yeah I think we are finding out nobody does their own sequencing anymore because this crash only affected importing. Scott fixed it like a couple hours after release. It was apparently a new sorting option for the import dialog. It was tested on Mac and works fine but crashed on Windows. That's how things like this slip through not every developer has the means to test all platforms. If I was able to do releases I would have done a new one immediately because its annoying having to answer the question every day.
Actually, we sequence almost all of our display (out of 40 sequences last year, 4 were from outside sources). We do, however, change the layout from year to year and make changes to the props as well as add new ones (we love variety). The import is used to reassign from one year to another. It works great, or at least it did until this version.

If the fix was already found and implemented, where do we find it? We are trying to get this year's show "in the can" because we will be gone for some time during the summer and fall and must finish it before then (as in NOW!).
Until they create a release its available in the Nightly build. Just go back a version or two.