Release 2024.14 Released

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Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
2024.14 August 5, 2024
– enh (scott) Added Scale to Buffer to Fan Effect, Radius 1 and 2 become Percentage values(100=100% of buffer) when enabled
– enh (keith) Add key bindings to switch between timing tracks, unselect all timing tracks
– enh (dkulp) Update VirtualMatrix upload to FPP8 to use HDMI-A-# and not fb#
– enh (dkulp) Add support for PWM ports to visualizer
– enh (dkulp) Add upload for PWM ports to FPP8
– enh (cybercop23) Add option to bulk edit groups Preview
– enh (derwin12) Text Effect – Add Center function for XLFonts and No Repeat
– enh (keith) Add LB1908 to the pixel type list
– enh (keith) Fix “Prepare Audio” to create proper MP3 files (Windows/Linux)
– enh (dan) Update “Prepare Audio” to create m4a/AAC fles. Use AudioToolbox AAC encoder on MacOS.
– enh (dan) Update “Prepare Audio” to copy metadata/tags from source audio to target to no lose that information
– enh (keith) Add filter text to value curve timing track events
– enh (derwin12) Show colors from Color Wheel in MH Preset
– enh (scott) DMX Model Presets to DMX Fixed Channels and added support Moving Head Effect
– enh (dkulp) Servo models can now have “controller properties” (min/max/reverse/etc…) set on them to upload to the controller
– enh (derwin12) Add validation to the preset channel values
– enh (keith) Add ability to have associated models within an xmodel file
– enh (derwin12) Add the generate node names ability to the New Moving Head Model
– enh (dkulp) Add the generate node names ability to the Skull Model
– enh (keith) New xsqz icon
– enh (derwin12) Ruse existing shader files when doing a File Cleanup
– enh (keith) Add falcon PiCap v2
– enh (keith) Add some xlights model support to matrices and virtual matrices in xSchedule
– enh (keith) Add the ability to hard code a timecode offset for each step in a playlist for ultimate control over timecode
– bug (derwin12) Add all layers for the custom model dialog
– bug (keith) Fix sequences packaged in subfolders not loading in xsqz
– bug (dkulp) Fix issues with canvas mode effects and DMX buffers
– bug (derwin12) Catch overly large buffer and limit them
– bug (keith) Loop effects outputs a blank frame on loop
– bug (keith) Fix export of model can crash if file create fails.
– bug (keith) If model import fails then delete the model rather than leaving a half constructed model behind
– bug (keith) Fix missing hinkspix data in tooltip in visualiser
– bug (dkulp) Don’t register to handle .zip files
– bug (scott) Fix duplicate Smart Receiver pixel count on Genius Controllers

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