2024 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence / XLights Around Australia


New elf
Oct 17, 2022
Hoping I’m not stepping on any toes but I couldn’t see anyone starting the xlights Around Australia 2024 thread and based on a couple of messages in the chat I thought I could kick it off with interest in song choices before creating a Facebook poll. Mark_M and BooY have volunteered to do the video editing but we are looking for a volunteer(s) for the sequencing. Zuseleets has previously provided the sequences but is unavailable this year. Hats off for the great sequences in the previous years, don’t forget to support Suz at https://ozlightshows.com.au/

If you have any recommendations for songs to be added to be poll, please add them to the thread, the top recommendations will be put into a Facebook Poll in a couple of weeks.

Previous year high votes without being selected for consideration
Treaty – Youthu Yindi
You’re the Voice – John Farnham
Great Southern Land – Icehouse
I want you – Peking Duck
Working Class Man – Jimmy Barnes

Something new and Aussie
Padam Padmam - Kylie

Previous years were
2022 – Down Under - https://auschristmaslighting.com/th...d-the-world-sequence-aclatw-down-under.15002/
2023 - Sounds of Then - https://auschristmaslighting.com/th...his-is-australia-submit-by-18-dec-2023.15638/
@JacksonHo Thanks for kickstarting off the thread for this years project. Unfortunately I am tied up with work and wont be able to sequence this year. I'm more than happy to have someone jump in and take on the sequencing. Thanks for the kind words and the shout out too!
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If it helps, I thought I would pre-empt it this year and take it on, I don't think I'll get time to do it again next year. I have completed a sequence John Farnham - You're the voice. If everyone is happy for it then I'll put it out, otherwise I really don't mind if someone else wants to do something different.
Thanks @JacksonHo for starting the thread. You're not stepping on anyone's toes, this is a community lead hobby so everyone is able to step in where they can.
Thanks for sharing your sequence @Danielr I think we should let the song choice poll run its course first before committing to this song in particular, but at least we know there is already a sequence option available if picked :)
Whilst I know its the ACL Around the World project, what is everyone's thoughts on it having to be an Aussie based/artist song? Given we have friends across the dutch as well, maybe this year could be a festive song?
Yeah - for these projects - we really need two people -- someone to produce a sequence and someone to do a bunch of video editing in the week leading up to Christmas.

We still need to find someone to do the second (@Mark_M - is that something you are still interested/available in doing?) - but having someone volunteer for the first one is a large part of the challenge.

So I would vote for what @Danielr is offering in 2024 - and suggest we try and find a song that isn't pure Australiana next year.
Yeah - for these projects - we really need two people -- someone to produce a sequence and someone to do a bunch of video editing in the week leading up to Christmas.

We still need to find someone to do the second (@Mark_M - is that something you are still interested/available in doing?) - but having someone volunteer for the first one is a large part of the challenge.
I don't mind editing again.
I spend about an hour trying to align it as best as I can (with my crappy slow laptop) and then do a render. The alignment is what takes soo long... and I still get it wrong sometimes (oops). I use automatic alignment by audio waveform were possible but some people's submissions have the audio delayed and need to be done manually.
I still have the introduction line-draw animation file in Davinci Resolve. Only editing is into a grid and alignment.

Submission by 18th and finished video by 22rd should be do-able again.
Thank you Dreamin.

I will be giving the sequence away for free to everyone. If there is another song everyone wants, I am happy to help out where I can, I just don't have the time to do the whole thing. This one took me 60 hours or so to do which I am more than happy to do as I enjoy it.
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Thank you Dreamin. Regardless, I will be giving it away for free to everyone. If there is another song everyone wants, I am happy to help out where I can, I just don't have the time to do the whole thing. This one took me 60 hours or so.
I think yours will be great. It means we have a sequence locked-in & don't need to worry about waiting for someone to create a new sequence.
I think yours will be great. It means we have a sequence locked-in & don't need to worry about waiting for someone to create a new sequence.
Cheers Mark, whatever works for everyone. I actually thought of doing "slice of heaven" since its not just Australians, but also the guys and girls on the other side of the ditch who are also joining in :)

There's so many Aussie songs I would love to do, especially some rock from the 90s.
@Danielr - not sure if you saw the post on the FB group. The post itself seems close (15-8) but when you check the comments it was originally 22-2 and then the option for you’re the voice was deleted.