30 versus 60 LED/m density pixel strips for diffused HDPE PEX Arches


Full time elf
Jun 11, 2020
I have decided to go the 12V WS2815 route for my Arches. I have 8 of them to fill with strips. Standard 2.5 meter arche build from 32mm HDPE PEX pipe.
The questions are: Do I "fill" them with 30 LED's / meter or bite the bullet, and spend some extra cash and get the 60 LED's / meter?
Is there a significant better look to the PEX with a more dense pixel strip, or am I wasting money?
I haven't made arches with HDPE but from what I've heard is that 30LED/M is enough. I think the idea that 60LED/M gets lost because the colours defuse and merge anyway.
Yep as Mark said i have 30 leds per metre in my ten arches and they look fine and i run mine at 30% brightness.
As above, I used 32mm ID, LDPE Half a 30 Led pm strip in each. I stuck it onto 3x10mm Ally strip, just to firm it up a bit, & used 32mm Electrical fittings from Bunnings to make the legs.
30 leds is perfectly fine.
As the tube diffuses the light and most times its bouncing back and forth so fast, no-one is going to notice double density pixels inside it so save some $$.
I ran 60 pm, and I don't think you'd notice the difference in 32mm air seeder.

I'm planning on adding an extra arch this year, but drill holes in the back and put some bullet pixels in to it. I'm thinking with this one much further from the audience, they won't notice it..... looking around 15+ metres further back, and in a different part of the yard.
Thank you so much for all your replies. Will be ordering my strips from Ray, and finish the build hopefully before Christmas.
Are the Pex tubes translucent? If so, where do you get them? I can't find translucent tubing of diameter greater than 3/4".
Are the Pex tubes translucent? If so, where do you get them? I can't find translucent tubing of diameter greater than 3/4".
Most people have used air seeder tube, but it's no longer very cheap. 15m should yield around 5-6 2.5m arches.
32mm inner dimension means 32mm conduit pieces fit snugly for feet/legs.

Most people have used air seeder tube, but it's no longer very cheap. 15m should yield around 5-6 2.5m arches.
32mm inner dimension means 32mm conduit pieces fit snugly for feet/legs.

Awesome. I've ordered a roll of that. Thanks for the suggestion.
Its expensive to me, considering I went halves with someone for a 30m roll that was $100 cash in 2017 - so 15m cost me $50 (sorry not sorry to rub it in!)
If anyone in Adelaide is after LDPE tube I have a 30M roll of 32mm tube here that I've only used about 5 or so metres from. Happy to cut to length and negotiate a price but the 30m roll cost a fair bit less than the above ebay link.