3D Printed Snowflake design

Here are the STL files. They have the 105% in the name because I found I had to enlarge the original models to 105% so that the bullet pixels nicely clicked into place.

By the way please don't post up on other sites like Thingiverse - as per the wishes of the original designer as he wanted this design for the christmas light community and not for some random to grab and sell.
Thanks Logan

Here are the STL files. They have the 105% in the name because I found I had to enlarge the original models to 105% so that the bullet pixels nicely clicked into place.

By the way please don't post up on other sites like Thingiverse - as per the wishes of the original designer as he wanted this design for the christmas light community and not for some random to grab and sell.
Thanks , What was your infill %
I tried printing the 105% files, and the bit which goes inside the hub didnt print properly
In cura I notice it doesnt try printing it until layer 19, by which time the nozzle is too high ?
The pic is before it started printing the missing bit in thin air
View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ql5p3b72iv1xull/20180714_231221.jpg
Think I might of found the issue
If I turn on supports, then it looks like it will print the missing bit
This makes sense, as it has to slip inside the hub, so would be raised
Think I might of found the issue
If I turn on supports, then it looks like it will print the missing bit
This makes sense, as it has to slip inside the hub, so would be raised
Sorry, been away on holiday and haven't been checking the forums. Yes, you need to add supports otherwise the bit that inserts gets all saggy and weird.
I hadn't put any of the files up with supports already added so that people could add supports where they liked. S3d keeps throwing in supports for the the little nubbins when I ask it to add automatic supports but I remove those before sending the file to print.