A little confused - seeking help please


New elf
Nov 1, 2020
Hi All,

First - if this is in the wrong section, please let me apologise and please point me to the right section.

I've just started what I think will be a long journey into the world of Xmas lights.
Over the last 2 weekends, I've built 2 elements as a trial for a larger display next year.
So far I've built a window frame and a star. See attached images
Not the best, but working (mostly)
I'm happy with them for what they are as a learning experience and trial/proof of concept (to keep the wife happy)
I'm each has a NodeMCU with WLED attached (so 2 NodeMCU's).
Talking back to my PC with xLights.

Here's the problem.

On the window frame, I have a pixel that seems to misbehave.
When running on WLED the pixel lights up fine, changes colour and does what it's meant to.
when I run it through xlights it won't light up at all. it behaved as if it's dead, but it's not.

If I override the e1.31 feed from xlights (when no show is running) it will light up with the wled software, but then when I switch back to the xLights the pixel will stay in what ever state it was with wled.

The pixel is on the left side of the widow (the run goes horizontal top, right(down), bottom, left (up) then over the arch.

The pixel in question is about half way up the left side.

I don't think it's a power issue, as I have injected power at the beginning of that side.

Any thoughts on what's causing this.


  • window_star.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 11
  • star.jpg
    435.4 KB · Views: 10
Approx pixel 169

**edit as apparently I can't do basic math today!
It's on side 4, not side 3! whoops!
Last edited:
How did you do the mapping in Xlights? I had a star that would pass all tests from the controller etc, but not when a show was running, with two pixels not doing anything on the tips. So I took a picture of it, made that a background image in xlights and then re did the model data. The star now works with all leds doing the blinky thing.
On that one there is 1 nodemcu it only runs window+arch

Top 46
Right 46
Bottom 46
Left 46
Arch 56

I've attached screen shots from the lights software of the controller tab and the setting for the window frame and arch.

Just to be clear, the pixel in question is on the window frame, on the last side (left) and 15 from the end. I made an error before, it's pixel 169
(pixel 123 would put it on the bottom of the window, it's on the left side)


  • xlights-arch.JPG
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  • xlights-controllers.JPG
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  • xlights-window.JPG
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Attached is hopefully a helpful guide to the way I'm referencing things.
Blue is side number and direction of data
red is the pixel that's being bad.


  • window_LI.jpg
    656.7 KB · Views: 4
How many pixels per NodeMCU? Looks like channel / universe issue but been on pixel 123 confuse me a bit.
240 PIxels. 1 node MCU.
It all runs fine from WLED on the NodeMCU.
The pixel with the problem is 169 (my error originally, sorry)
Pixel 169 is suspiciously close to the 510 channels per universe number.
That would be the end of universe 1? in the controller it was set as universe length of 2. and every pixel after that one works fine too? its just that one odd pixel.
You have lights using 510 channels per universe. You don't have the pixel stick using 512 do you?