About to give up on LSP Pro...

Just one thought of counter-hypothesis here too. If LSP can produce a bullet proof, bug free program at the price then clearly the world would beat a path to their door.
I just want to pipe in now (for my 5c worth) and make mention that the stability and user operability of LSP this year far exceeds previous years. There are a number of reasons for this (Yes, im a fanboi, but....... )You have to understand that LSP when it was purchased by Minleon required some quite dramatic re-coding. As such, things like the scheduler, were completely rewritten. Sequencer had an enormous amount of bugs removed from the pot and suggestions / improvements implemented.

Is LSP bug free, HECK NO. but compared to previous years, they are miles ahead of where they were, and still a long way ahead of other software options in certain areas.

LSP s had beta releases for the best part of 6 months this year. Tested quite hard with minimal beta participants. People may ask, why not make the beta team bigger? Well the simple fact is, unlike M$ software or Adobe softwares etc, the client base is not large enough to warrant this. Yes I know people are unhappy with the release dates and the like, however, purchasing a niche software package, people should remember, you inherit all the issues that were there at time of sale. The new devs for the software have done some remarkable things with LSP

What point am I arguing here? Well its simple, log onto the LOR forum and you will find people complaining that they have issues with that software, log onto vixen, same same. No software is perfect, not when the market is not high.

*do i get change from my 5c?*
Agreed Matt! And I am a Beta tester for LSP and yes I have had my ups and downs but I am at least participating in ironing out the bugs as I can see the potential in it, Don't get me wrong I have added my 2c in the LSP forum but I am trying to help sort out the issues, I have created something truly amazing with LSP this year something that I thought would be well and truly out of my reach, who would have thought that I would create a mega matrix def not me! And I had my fair share of ups and downs with LOR and CCRS. You can call me a fanboi as well!
garyjac1 said:
Just one thought of counter-hypothesis here too. If LSP can produce a bullet proof, bug free program at the price then clearly the world would beat a path to their door.

Not too sure about that statement Gary. I know I havent got $15,000 for Madrix and that would be considered bullet proof and bug free.
I'll be sticking to the few minor issues i've come across in LSP.
I have always been and will always be of the opinion that unless I can contribute to something I cannot improve it and thus cannot expect it to be perfect.

To open source projects I can contribute as I am well versed in most programming languages however I dont always have a lot of time thus making it difficult.

For commercial software my contribution is money. If I dont contribute there will be no people to improve it. I have had my fair share of issues with LSP and because of this I will not be using it this year although I have bought it. I will be using LOR which I have gotten to know well.

I have however seen major changes and improvements in the last couple of months and this makes me happy that the money I invested is making a difference which in the longer run will again work to my benefit.

Thus all power to the LSP team. Thanks people, I think you are making something great here and as long as I see the updates I am happy to support as best I can.
Yes, Charl, I can afford to wait as well since I bought two years upgrades during a "special" and hope that LSP improves. As to "investment" I would like to see that improvement without throwing good money after bad, so I will wait and see if I've made a bad investment here :)
Just read over at the LSP Forums, they are doing a complete rewrite of the sequencer. How exciting could this be. Can't wait to hear some details leak out:)
I just wonder if people actually know how much Minleon is making from LSP, NOTHING, it is a cost to Minleon as the community doesn't have the numbers to make such software bullet proof and keep it at a price that would be acceptable. There are other software packages, some for free but these all pale in comparison to the LSP feature set and are all not bullet proof, even LOR has its issues as all you have to do is visit the LOR forums.

Im sure if Minleon charged the same as madrix then you would have a software package that would be more bullet proof but it would then be way out of the range of the average user as you need to invest in developers and testers to check the many different configurations as in the PC world no 2 systems are completely alike.

What we do is a specialized market and comparing software with other markets is not really making for a good comparison, even Microsoft with all its financial backing has a hard time getting it right. If stability is what you want then a mac is the best choice, but you are then limited to what you can use because the mac platform is a highly controlled environment which enables it to have much more stable programs, but much more limited in choice and selection.

What makes LSP work for others and not work for you is hard to work out because of the differences in a PC and this could be caused by some underlying issue in your computer as apposed to bad code, its hard to say because there are many people using it with success but at the same time there are others having difficulties.

In a perfect world we would never have any of these issues, but there is no such thing as a perfect world, I do hope you sort out your issues.

Either way Minleon is committed to ongoing improvements of LSP but they just cant throw every resource at it because the returns are just not there to finance such a large investment and the average user is not willing to pay the cost that would be needed to justify such a large investment. LSP has improved in leaps and bounds since Minleon took over, but there is still some work to do and this will be seen in the efforts applied next year.

You will see a big focus on the sequencer going forward from here

Anyway just my 2 cents and thoughts and these thoughts may not actually be that of Minleon and the developers.
Agree with Eddy's comments - there'd be no way they'd be making money on it, given the potential client base, and the cost to support and develop.

One thing I always wonder about is whether it would have been better to make the product open source. That would open up opportunities for developers to extend the product substantially..
Kaden said:
If there was no money to be made on LSP, why did Minleon purchase it?

Minleon needed a software package that could support exporting to their effects controller and so they can offer a complete package, hence the announcement of the sequencer major rewrite even though the costs will far outweigh the current payback. The scheduler is now a far better product than it once was due to it being completely rewritten this year and I expect that the same will come out of the rewrite of the sequencer as all the issues that haven't been previously addressed were due to deep down code which cant be effectively removed without a major rewrite.

Minleon is listening, its just these things take time and planning and I believe Minleon have shown that they are committed to improving LSP for the long term and have shown that with the new scheduler this year, I now look forward to a new sequencer that will take all the lessons learnt and improve on that.