ACL Second Giveaway - lucky member draw

Lucky I saw this part or I would have missed out on my second chance - I'm in
Hi I finally joined up myself and posted a hello after being referred by Tuppet. (she made me do it!) 8)
I was just reading through here and realized I forgot to post that DanoNJ is the reason I found AusChristmasLighting!

Wow it is almost Trick or Treat time for the homeland isn't it? 8)

Keeping my fingers crossed...
Well I better get my entry in since there are only 7 and a bit hours left. :D

I've finally posted in the new members area.

I heard about this forum during the Sydney mini that was organised through DIYC earlier this year, but I can't recall who mentioned it first. It was either Matt (kool-lites), fasteddy, or Phil. :eek: (Who had that video running?)

Anyway, here's my entry. Is lucky last a good sign??
The giveaway is now over and out.

And we are done now :) Drum rolll please.. The winner is........

You'll just have to wait a little longer.. As soon as phil gets Back, we will be done.
Without further ado, the winner of the grand prize is

tuppetsdad Melbourne I'm New Here 2010-10-05 4

We had 78 new members in October and along with posts in both threads and the various members mentioned I put everyone in a spreadsheet and asked the better half for a number between 1 and 200 and tuppetsdad was the lucky winner.

Well done to the tuppets on winning!

Wow, a fantastic and deserving winner as well. The tuppets show will have been great without the extra bits, but i'm really looking forward to seeing what they will pull off.. Engineers and all that, they will do something pretty clevere no doubt!

Guys, i'll be in Melbourne twice in november so if you need a hand figuring them out, let me know.. Also, I have four interconnecting cables that i forgot to give to phil, for the pixels, so that will be sort of useful for you!