Add Yourself To The New Members Display Location Map


LOR user
Nov 8, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
To clarify ..
Each member must add themselves to the display map if they wish their location to show.
To do this;
At the top of the page click on "Profile"
From the drop menu select "Public Profile Settings"
approx. 2/3 down the page will be where you would add yourself to the map.
You will find these instructions there:
Display Locations
Click to place your pin on the map or click on your pin to remove it.

Place your pin as close to your location as you feel comfortable.
Use the search function on the map to quickly move to a location (city, zip code, etc) then click on the map to set your pin.

When you are done click on "Change Profile" to save your location.

REMEMBER to click "Change Profile" at the bottom of the page when you are satisfied with your changes or you will have to repete the process. :)