Adelaide BBQUE ?


Full time elf
Jan 11, 2016
2 Brook Court , Kidman Park
I get the feeling that in Adelaide people are a bit to busy to arrange a full mini.

However I would be happy to host a one day, probably Sunday, bbque at my place ( or assist some one else to have one ?) if there is any interest.

I was thinking sometime in May ?

If anyone is interested can you let me know what dates you may be available. I will then collate and hopefully, come up with a date !

Cheers Ralphy
I would be interested, at this stage any Sunday in May would be OK
Depends when in may cause our dog will be having puppies then.
Otherwise im up for another meet an greet.

Sadly the work that goes into organising a mini is heaps.
ive herd from some people that they would like to get into the hobby, but a mini would be better for that.