all FM channels POOR


New elf
Jan 17, 2019
All the channels in my area are POOR according to radio-locator does this mean I'm out of luck as far as FM transmitting


Retired Elf
Feb 9, 2020
West Central Ohio
Not necessarily. How did you search? Look for vacant FM stations only. Radio Locator has options to select these. If there are no vacant frequencies then look through the found list for the weakest and/or those that transmit only during daylight hours. Pick several of the weakest and do a reception check to determine which has the poorest reception for your area. Configure for that frequency and while transmitting do a walk around with a good portable radio to determine how far out your transmitter can be heard.

200 to 300 feet should be all that you need to cover. If you are on a corner or have residences behind you don't forget to check those streets as well. Any distance greater than the 200/300 feet reduce the transmitter power, adjust the antenna position and/or length. If still too far, insert a RF attenuator between the transmitter output and antenna and/or shield the antenna; that is put something around it that the RF has difficulty penetrating.

The goal is by chosing a weak station no one in your area will be trying to receive it and if they are you'll only be effecting a couple homes across, next to, and behind you.


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
The radio locator for my area is questionable. It doesn't even list the npr station 30 miles away but will list one 100+ miles. last year I found an open channel with it but this year that channel was in use. I sat in my driveway manually entering stations into my car radio to find something with only static. i then set my transmitter to that station and drove tot he end of the block. I did this several times until I found one that worked.