I am new to RGB and E1.31... From all the various threads and tutotials out there I think I have an idea of how to jump into RGB.
I am thinking of....
Thanks to everyone who has taken so much of their time to develop the tutorials and how to guides...
I am thinking of....
- Outline (yellow), each run 5M in 2811 I68 strips. The controller mounted next to the right strip. If what i read is correct the signal should be OK to the left half which is 20 feet away. The sides of the house will also each have a 5M strip.
- The hanging mega tree (green), of sorts, will be 2811 pixels of dumb RGB - maybe jump to strip next year.
- The lower roof under the tree (blue) will also be 2811 dumb pixels
- The windows and door (orange) will be 2811 dumb pixels
- The controller for the dumb pixels can be mounted above the front door.
Thanks to everyone who has taken so much of their time to develop the tutorials and how to guides...