Another Arduino pixel controller

I am currently running two Nanos with the ENC Ethernet modules and tonight was the first time I had them both running at the same time.
Running Vixen3 I got a strange result in that one would operate and then stop while the second would start up and run for a bit. My show will run from off a Pi.

I am running static IP one is and the other is I eventually will have a third one, .153
Dumb question. Is this bit of the code important, I did not change it from default?
// Set a different MAC address for each...
const byte mymac[] = { 0x74, 0x69, 0x69, 0x2D, 0x30, 0x17 };

I have done an ARP -A and both the ENC modules have the same MAC. Is this an issue?
When it comes to networking every single device on your network must have a different MAC address in order to help the network differentiate between each device. Yes every device has it's own IP address but it also must have a unique MAC address. Spoofing a MAC address is how hackers normally manage to gain access to a person home WIFI network as the network will send packets to that MAC address believing it is the other device, which would explain why you get data on one then the other.
Thanks Kitman, I feel like a goose because i should have realised that without the dumb question.
I had always thought the MAC was hard coded in the firmware of the device and couldn't understand why that line was in the code. I now know more than i did yesterday.

No worries Jon. You are correct that the Mac address is hard coded into the hardware, however with the right software you can make it appear to have a different Mac address and even sometimes change the Mac address of the hardware although that is never a good idea.
Elnino - Would it be possible for you to describe how you wire the led strings and powered arduino and leds. I am guessing that based on the information provided that there are 2 led strings per Uno and that each pair are wire together in series. This is were I get lost. Do you have an extended lead between the two led strings in order to get the two to have the led animation go in the same direction? How do you connect the led strings to the Uno? Do you use additional electronics (capacitors, resistors, etc.) to prevent damage to the less? I have read a lot on the internet but am getting a little confused about the connections. Most of the focus is on the sketches.
There is very good library for working with LED strip OctoWS2811 + Tensy (arduino compatible) device (4000 LEDs for one Tency, cascading support).
The library has good examples (VideoDisplay Example Program) and intended to work with LED strips, may be it could be nice start for you.
I sill cant get this to compile I tried changing the version of the arduino ide to 1.6.1 . I cant seam to find an older version of the ethercard library

so I changed

//static void sACNPacket(word port, byte ip[4], const char *data, word len) {


static void sACNPacket(unsigned int port, byte ip[4], unsigned int i, const char *data, unsigned int len) {

this is the new warning Low memory available, stability problems may occur.

so it should work fine
After upgrading to the v1.6.8 arduino program this program no longer compiles as a lot of extra #include statements get added that reference library files that don't exist in the original library.
Upgrading the FastLED libraries to v3.1 generates a whole heap more errors

I have tried to work through the errors but it is light years beyond my capabilities.

Mate you're a legend- thanks to you and contributers like you I have my proof of concept up and running in a day! ^_^ now to find / spend some $$ to build a display! Many many thanks
has anyone got it to work with the ENC Ethernet modules. I have gotten the wixnet to work on the uno. but not the ENC modules. it complies and upload and I can ping it and it does its test patten. if anyone has a copy of the old libraries that would be great to. any help would be great.
Seriously late reply but I can have another crack at compiling these with newer libraries if you are still interested. It should not be too hard but I have not been playing with blinkys for a couple of years now. I am the original author of this code.
Seriously late reply but I can have another crack at compiling these with newer libraries if you are still interested. It should not be too hard but I have not been playing with blinkys for a couple of years now. I am the original author of this code.

Thanks for the reply.
has anyone got it to work with the ENC Ethernet modules. I have gotten the wixnet to work on the uno. but not the ENC modules. it complies and upload and I can ping it and it does its test patten. if anyone has a copy of the old libraries that would be great to. any help would be great.
I got it to work on the ENC module. I vaguely remember having to use an old library (trial and error several different libraries?) to make it work. I can try and find the libraries, but if elnino can recompile with newer libraries that would be easier.
Good evening everyone! I'm using a Mega 2560 arduino and wanted to control more than 240 pixels, does anyone know how to do this with this code or some other code?
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Good evening everyone! Friends, in my case, I'm using an Arduino Mega 2560 with 8KB Ram, how to increase or control code locks? changing any rows or libraries? if you can show me how to do it?
Last year I used the project of Keith Westley with instructions of Tom Hammond

6 strings with 50 ws2811 and 14 relay channels
But I have problems with freeze Arduino.

If this project is better with Arduino Mega I want use