Another "Help removing the blinking function from my LED string lights" thread


New elf
Dec 20, 2021
Hi guys đź‘‹

I (also) have one of these 10 meter LED string lights with a multi-function controller that forces you to go through 8 settings before getting to the static light (which is the only one I am interested in). I know that many people have soldered their way out of this problem, and I do have a soldering iron and a can-do attitude, so I would be willing to give it a go! What I don't have is any knowledge in circuit boards or electronics in general. I have read the (very nice) guide here:

... However, my exact one isn't in there, so I wanted to ask you guys before I do anything stupid ;)

Here's how mine looks:
Billede 19.12.2021 18.25.07.jpg
Billede 19.12.2021 18.25.45.jpg
Billede 19.12.2021 18.26.00.jpg

What do I need to solder here?
I guess I am soldering the pins(?) on the back under the "3 half moons", but do I connect all 12 pins, or just the ones that are actually connected on the other side? And also, in which "pattern" should I put the soldering, so I know everything is connected nicely? Most of the examples show connections with pins in a straight line - my "halfmoons" have 3 legs each and are connected in a diagonal pattern, which makes it less intuitive what to do. Hope it make sense from the pictures!!

Any help is greatly appreciated! :) Please let me know if you need any more info!
Brilliant! Thank you so much, that is super easy to follow! I will give that a go!
Is there any preference to using one method over the other - for instance safety wise?
Either way is fine. Whatever you find easier to solder.

Start with a longer than needed wire and cut the excess off after soldering.
I went with option 2 with the 3 smaller links. Took 15 min, and only a tiny bit of swearing, and now it works flawlessly!
Thanks a ton! 🙌 This has been bothering me for years!

Skærmbillede 2021-12-21 kl. 22.05.13.png