Any new ways of getting audio to the viewers iPhones ?


New elf
Jul 9, 2016
Wondering if anyone can point me to any talk / posts Re getting audio straight to the viewers iPhones.

Apart from speakers & car radios, wondering other methods if people don't have an FM tuner on their phone.

Are there any new advances in getting audio straight to the viewers iPhones

There has to be a way.. haha

It has been said that there is an FM radio receiver built into most (if not all) of the smart phones. It just hasn't been activated.
Since that isn't the solution (trying to get everyone to get a plugin/app to use this feature), the only other thing would be to be able to turn on streaming across a wifi signal. Please let us know if you figure this one out. We filled a full legal sized sheet of paper with all the nuances in trying to make this happen.
as per Al's comments, makes sense to stream audio over wifi/bluetooth for mobiles. FM just seems so old hat (who walks around with a radio nowadays?)

However the technicalities involved streaming seem more complex than first thought and I never found a workable off the shelf software solution. Has to be some guru out there that can help!
Most phones did have an fm receiver built into them, just plug in your headphones to act as the antenna, load the FM Radio app and away you go, however they are all dropping the FM Radio receiver support, especially Apple with the wireless headphones, no way of using the cable as an antenna anymore.

The only way I can think of doing this is by using maybe something like Spotify or radioapp to stream your music online, however I am not sure what is involved with being able to stream you music to online radio stations, then the trouble you have with digital radio is the delay between the local source and the digital version coming out the other end. Not sure if anyone has listened to the radio on both digital radio and analogue radio, there is a distinct delay between the 2 and if you went digital you would have to go digital all the way and make sure to include massive delays in your show player so it would sync up, I would have to try and get this right as you may even have a difference between one digital radio and another, one being able to process the digital stream quicker than the other and making the whole show out of sync with half the audience.

The trouble with digital is it's not instant, so it's possible that any digital solution may introduce lag into the system which means a loss of sync which means your show isn't how you want it to be anymore. If your show is synced to your music this will be the end of your show, if it isn't perfectly synced then you could get away with doing this.
The delay would be inconsistent I believe, would have too many variables as in singal strength, 3g/4g phones, type of app they are using etc.
The delay is inconsistent, you could buy yourself a digital radio and tune in to the broadcast and then add the required delay to your show to suit that exact device, however another device would use a different method of decoding the digital stream, different processing chips and it could do it faster or slower thus resulting in a different delay. If every device decoded the stream exactly the same then you would be fine and wouldn't have an issue.

Best way to look at it is digital TV, most people have 1 or more TV's in their house, if you stand in the middle of the 2 TV's you will notice a delay between the audio of the 2 TV's simply due to the way the TV processes the digital signal and display's it.