Anybody bought these?

Thanks for the tip . I also ordered some to see what they were like. 49 bucks is worth the gamble. I have very low expectations on quality tho lol
I have around 1000 of them, 4" spaced. Still no failure in two seasons. The only thing I do not like is 22 AWG. Miss the chance to get another 1000 for small props and peace stakes.
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If you took screen shots of advert and purchase you should either get all 500 or get a refund, I would think.
I have the screenshot and have put in a whinge to Amazon asking for the seller to honour as advertised. Placed 2 orders. Last nights order already shipped. Todays follow up order was the "oops we made a mistake" email response.

Lets see what Amazon has to say.
Yup I got a blanket reply for: " Hello buyer, due to Amazon product information display error, the product you are shopping for is 12V full color 50PCS. May I ask if you still need to shop. If you don’t need to cancel your order here "
Domestos, you could have probably gotten away with your purchase, but because you posted it here, everyone jumped on the bandwagon and the seller must have thought "ah damn I listed these too cheap, I wonder why it's selling so well" :p
Yup I got a blanket reply for: " Hello buyer, due to Amazon product information display error, the product you are shopping for is 12V full color 50PCS. May I ask if you still need to shop. If you don’t need to cancel your order here "
Domestos, you could have probably gotten away with your purchase, but because you posted it here, everyone jumped on the bandwagon and the seller must have thought "ah damn I listed these too cheap, I wonder why it's selling so well" :p
Yeah. Both my orders got cancelled. Im not too worried about it as my 1000pcs from Ray is on its way. Final stages of mega tree and prop population about to commence.
My order was cancelled with no communication, i wrote to amazon and they assured me the item would be delivered within the delivery time frame. Guess i have it all in writing now! Ha. Stay tuned
My order hasn't been cancelled yet, I'm playing hardball with how many pixels they can send me for $49. Their offer to me of 200 has not been accepted.
Very nice djgra ;) 200pcs seems like the market rate for a cheapie right?
With everyone else reporting them, they might be incentivised to please you.
I just got an email to say it’s been dispatched. No other communication at all from either amazon or the supplier
After about 45 mins on the phone to amazon, they are going to send me 20 x 50pcs version to make up for the 1000pcs i purchased. 45 mins well spent!!
oh thats why they just disappeared from my cart...