Anyone know what happened to DIYLEDExpress?


New elf
Oct 31, 2018
I've been doing shows for over 5 years now but I still consider myself to be a n00b. I put a decent amount of work into constructing my show at first, understanding how everything fit together, etc but now it "just works" and it's great because I don't have a ton of time to spend. BUT -

I'd like to buy some more pixels. I bought all the pixels I had from DIYLEDExpress years ago and literally not one has failed. I also have never had to do power injection and I string 250 lights on one 12v line, so I think the quality is good.

I appreciate that they had good lights and I'd like to buy more from them (assuming the prices aren't outrageous). Anyone know where they are or if they've rebranded? Their website is just a landing page for the hosting provider. I've looked at the lighting suppliers wiki page and I guess I could try to vet them all or compare prices or whatever, but I'd just like some really good quality pixels that'll work like the ones I've got now.

I appreciate you all here. Great resource!